"Kristina," Darren whispered near my ear, "Why is Demetria staring at you?" I turned to catch her eye and smiled, waving. Her face turned a dark shade of red. She looked remorseful.

"She's the one that's done this to her," Lance pointed at my face. I lowered his hand with a smile. He returned it, despite his spitefulness towards Demetria.

"It wasn't her."

"Didn't you beat her during training a couple of days ago?" Aland asked, digging into an omelet on his plate.

"Yeah. She staged her revenge last night." Lance was practically fuming.

"Thank you for speaking for me, kind sir," I acknowledged him and all three of them began to laugh. "But leave her alone. She hasn't done anything."

For breakfast there was milk, eggs, bread, and butter and jam for toppings on the bread. After we were done, we were all patting our stomachs.

"This is the best time of the day," Darren sighed.

"I actually find myself agreeing," Charlotte said and suddenly, Aland burped. "Ewww!" Charlotte shrieked and Darren slapped the table, laughing. I looked at Lance with a smile.

You'll soon love it here, he mouthed.

I looked away and laughed, but I knew that wasn't true. I had very few days left. I had to get out of here.

Xavier needed me. Being here made me realize what friendship was and what Xavier had given me. Someone to trust and care for.

That night after eating dinner with the same trio and Lance, I read the rulebook and lay back, pulling my covers up to my chest. Lance was nowhere to be found the rest of the day, and I'd gotten terribly bored. Turning to the side, I blew out the candle. How long had I been here? Four, five days?

I imagined Xavier suffering. His pale face. His groaning. He said he'd hold on for me, but who knew how long that would last? I clutched my stomach, tucking my knees up to my chest, suddenly aware of the pain in my fists and the bruises on my face. It hurt, no matter how strong you were, how persistent. It hurt.

I had had nightmares last night, after a very, very long time. First I hit my head and I was dying. Xavier stood next to me and promised me he'd come back with the medicine, but he never came and I eventually died, because he'd chosen other people over me. Then I had a dream that I returned to the castle, only to find a whole new set of people there.

I sat up abruptly, jumping out of bed. Frustrated, I slammed my fist against the wooden wardrobe. When I pulled my fist back my knuckles were torn and bleeding. I kicked the wall, crying out as tears of pain slipped down my face. I cradled my broken hand in my lap. The pain made me angrier. I turned around and kicked the wardrobe as hard as I could, cracking the back leg. I paused, breathing heavily, when something caught my eye.

A small paper flitted to the floor. It seemed to have been jammed between the two doors. I reached down and picked it up, opening it, blood smearing the page.

When I read what it said, I nearly screamed and broke my fists against the wall again.

No more threats.

Kill all who are a threat to your identity. X is almost dead. Don't risk it. And that means everyone.

Burn this letter.


It was from the King. Prince Xavier was almost dead. That meant I had very little time to get everything done.

"Lance, remember the tour you gave me?" I asked. "Where's the weapon room? I need some things for myself in case of people like Demetria." It was a rusty lie but he bought it, agreeing with my point. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach.

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