21 - Lady Shiva

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#21 - Lady Shiva
First Appearance: Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5 (Jan 1976)

"Her hobby is hunting down the best fighters in the world and beating them to death with her bare hands" ~Oracle

The best part about Lady Shiva, and I think it's something that really stands out about her, is that she has the most unique and interesting set of morals found in any Bat villain. She's definitely not insane like so many of them claim to be, and she isn't adhering to the sort of mafioso rigeurs that you find in the old school mobsters. Even the heroes have more lax morals in some respects. I find that Shiva lives a strict lifestyle based around the exultation of her own honor, and it always demands that those who wrong her face her in a life-or-death situation. Even so, she has more than once saved the life of a Bat-family member, whether it be Tim Drake or Cass Cain or even a Bird of Prey.

Shiva is so unique because she has faced every "street level" hero in DC's arsenal, from the Question to Richard Dragon, all before finally settling into the Batman franchise. She therefore has this huge record of high-level battles as she comes into any story; her history is just as riveting as her present actions. Even though she is certainly a villain, her motives can remain unclear and still surprise; she will find ways to show her respect in an unusual and likely inappropriate manner. When Shiva decided Black Canary was to be her protege, Shiva went to great lengths (even joining the Birds of Prey temporarily) to mold her into the fighter she wanted. However, every one who tangles with her finds new and unique ways to take her down - most recently, Damian Wayne planted poisoned chocolates in her hotel room, so that when they fought hours later, her heart rate rose and she was paralyzed.

No matter with whom she fights, or what her motives are in any given situation, Shiva is a thrill to read, and one of the most complex and engimatic characters in the hall of villains.

Greatest Shiva Story Ever Told: The Paper Monkey Saga - Lady Shiva takes place in a Gotham based martial arts tournament and makes it to the final round, which is against Green Arrow Connor Hawke. However, Robin convinces Shiva to spare his life, which she does. A really interesting story that helps flesh out some of the motives of the Fighting Fury.

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