89 - Professor Pyg

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#89 - Professor Pyg
First Appearance: Batman #666 (Jul 2007)

"Pain is the beginning of perfection... I will make you perfect." ~Professor Pyg

Hard to think of a villains as creepy as Professor Pyg. The guy is a schizophrenic scientist that permanently affixes creepy mind-altering masks to innocent victims, which he dubs Dollotrons. He also peddles a drug that mimics the effects of Alzheimer's disease under the guise of normal narcotics in an effort to "destroy the identity of every person in Gotham". His experiments are brutal, his motives frightening, and that makes him a great Batman villain.

Pyg has played a huge role in the Grant Morrison run on Batman that ran for the last 7 or so years. His solo work as well as his team of freaks and miscreants dubbed "the Circus of Strange" have become a new but welcome fixture that add some new flavor into the more macabre side of Batman villainy; Pyg is reminiscent of a cult leader like Jim Jones or David Koresh, but with (if you can believe it) even more of a brutal, psychotically-violent set of believes. He fits into so many motifs that play well into the Batman mythos and, despite being a relative newcomer to the Batman franchise, fits it like a black glove.

Greatest Professor Pyg Story Ever Told:Batman and Robin #1-3 - On Dick Grayson's first case as Batman, the stakes have never been higher; Pyg's modus operandi is shocking, dark and exactly what the doctor ordered.

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