24 - Holiday

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#24 - Holiday
First Appearance: Batman: The Long Halloween #1 (Dec 1996)

"Now, look at me. I'm bigger than all of you put together. I am Holiday!" ~Holiday

Ask any connoisseur of the Bat what the Top 5 Greatest Batman stories are, and inevitably Batman: The Long Halloween will wind up on that list. Now why is that, you ask? I would venture a guess that it's all about the intricate, winding plan set up by the brilliant one-time villain, Holiday. Holiday is easily one of the greatest masterminds to grace the pages of comics, and his magnum opus, the tale of the Long Halloween is invaluable in shaping the career of the Bat. After all, Holiday's master plan ultimately results in bridging the gap between Batman's early career against lower-level threats of mobsters and the major threats of supervillains; Long Halloween is a part of the Batman myth that without which, Batman really wouldn't be the character he is today.

And look at all of the things that result from Holiday's machinations in the Long Halloween: Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face, Carmine Falcone dies, Batman and Catwoman begin their tenuous romantic relationship, Sal Maroni winds up dead... the list goes on and on, and it's all thanks to one simple plan brought about by one man. Of course, Holiday's impact isn't relegated simply to the Long Halloween, but also bleeds into Dark Victory, where the repercussions of Holiday's previous sins catch up with the villain in several unique and terrifying ways, mostly at the hands of the jealous Calendar Man. Regardless, without Holiday, we simply wouldn't have one of the single greatest stories to feature Batman. Period. End of discussion.

Greatest Holiday Story Ever Told:Really? I gotta fill this one in? Let's use some lateral reasoning on this one, capiche?

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