65 - The Key

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#65 - The Key
First Appearance: Justice League of America #41 (Dec 1965)

"Didn't anyone tell you patience is the key to success?" ~The Key

Here's an usual case of a JLA villain who has so often provided an excellent threat to Batman that I couldn't in good conscience leave him out of the running. Some of the JLA's battles with the Key have showcased some of Bruce Wayne's real dreams and fears in a way that you only can get from Scarecrow and maybe Hugo Strange in a Bat-title. The beauty of the Key is that he has telepathy a psychoactive drugs that have brought to light some of Batman's darkest secrets. In one of the inaugural storylines from Grant Morrison's run on JLA, there's an amazing sequence where Batman is trapped in his own hallucinated vision of the future - a world where he watches his successors take over his mantle, only to be overwhelmed by old antagonists. Its quite a bleak future and it looks to wear on Batman in the story significantly. During Infinite Crisis, a great Key vs. Batman story occurs when Batman is literally the last active member of the JLA, going after the Key in a world gone topsy-turvy - another story where the Key preys on the weaknesses of the mind.

All in all, the Key is a brilliant character that's been menacing Batman for years, even though it hasn't been within a Batman title. I don't think a Batman villain is necessarily grounded in the Batman mythos; I love to see them come from other franchises or escape into those same venues. As this list goes on, we'll see a couple from each side of that concept, as big villains just can't stay in Gotham, or stay out of it, and it gives readers some of the greatest Batman battles they could ask for.

Greatest Key Story Ever Told: JLA #5-6 - Batman is crumbling alongside the JLA in a nightmarish drug-induced fantasy... it's up to new Green Arrow Connor Hawke to save the day. One of my favorite JLA stories of all time, and it shines an unusual light on every character's subconcious hopes and fears. Great stuff.

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