Werewolves Gone Primal

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[Alex POV]

I woke up and Karra was snuggled on me. I tried to leave without waking her up.

"Hey Alex, have you seen Uncle Adam? He wasn't here all night." She said with her eyes closed.

"No I haven't." I said.

"He's been gone since yesterday afternoon." She said.

"I know just get up and get ready for school." I said.

"Ok." She said.

I left the room and got ready. I wore my white tee shirt. I got in the car and waited for Ashton and Karra. I saw Adam pull up in his truck. He got out and came to my car window.

"Hey Adam where were you all night." I said.

"I was out turning people into werewolves." He said.

"What?! You can't just do that without anyone knowing!" I said.

"I'm the alpha." He said.

"We are the alphas." I said.

"So I turn a few people and now I'm pinned as a bad guy." He said.

"How many people did you turn?" I asked.

"Three." He said.

"Dammit Adam." I said.

"I'm trying to protect us!" He said.

"You're trying to protect your own damn self!" I yelled.

I turned and saw Karra and Ashton standing there.

"I'm going to school and you better hope the people you turned aren't dead." I said.

Karra, Ashton, and I got into the car and I drove off. I pulled up in the school parking lot and went to my locker. Karra went to her first period and so did Ashton. I closed my locker and turn around. I saw the girl who had the seizure last week wearing all black and her hair was down. She walked up to me.

"Hey thanks for saving my life the other day." She said pushing me against the locker.

"No problem." I said.

"But I found something better than what you did." She said kissing me.

I pushed her off of me.

"I have a girlfriend." I said.

"I know, my name's Allison by the way." She said.

She walked away. I ran to my first period. I sat in my desk. I felt Karra staring at me.

"Why do you smell like that?" She whispered.

"Like what?" I whispered back.

"Like her." She said pointing at Allison.

I looked at Allison who is smirking. She can hear us. Adam turned her. I looked at Karra who was clearly still pissed.

"Look, she came up to me I didn't mean to do anything." I said.

"Know what Alex how about I just go because obviously I'm not wanted." Karra said.

"No by all means stay in your seat little Karra you might want to stay for this show. Because I'm not the only one in school Adam turned." Allison said.

The bell rang and we all left class. I went on through the first few periods. It was lunch time and I didn't see Will. I went everywhere that I think he would be. So last I checked the gym and I saw him. He didn't have on his glasses. He was punching a punching bag.

"Hey Will you alright." I said.

"No, I went to gym the other day and Coach said hey let's do wrestling and I went up with Chad and he made a fool out of me. So I went to the woods. When I came back out of the woods. I can do this." He said punching the punching bag.

"Do what." I said.

He didn't answer. He swung his fist and broke a hole in the punching bag.

"How strong exactly are you?" I said.

"I don't know. Something in the woods bit me right here." He said lifting his shirt.

"Where?" I said.

"There but it's gone." He said.

"Guess you found 2/3 of us." Allison said.

She held me back but I broke out. I kicked her back. She ran up to me and swung her claws. I dodged it. Then Will came behind me and kicked me in the back. I fell forward. Allison flipped me over and sat ontop of me.

"It's not a fair fight sweetie." She said.

I shifted and my eyes were red.

"Oh I think it is." I said.

I pushed her off of me and I flipped up. Allison charged at me and I tripped her.

"Come on buddy. You want to join in?" I said to Will.

Will ran to me and punched me in the stomach and I flew back. I hit the wall and fell on the floor.

"Hey didn't Adam tell us not to fight." The third wolf said.

I looked up at him and it was Brett.

"He said if Alex doesn't approve of it then we fight back." Allison said.

"And he put me in charge." Brett said.

I got up and punched Brett. Brett fell forward. Allison charged for me and I pushed her on the wall.

"I like it when you play hard to get." She said.

I got off and Will threw a punch. I caught his fist and threw him to Brett. Allison kicked me and I grabbed her and threw her to Brett and Will.

"That's not really fair how you get to fight the betas Alex." Adam said.

"What do you want." I said.

"I want you to join us so that we can be a pack." Adam said.

"Not after you went behind my back." I said.

"Fine. You Karra and Ashton can get your stuff and move out of my warehouse. Brett, Will, and Allison will be taking your rooms." Adam said.

I ran to Adam and swung my claws. He dodged them. He swung and it hit my stomach. He stuck his claws in my stomach and lifted me off the ground.

"You see this. This is a sign of a weak alpha." Adam said.

He let go of me and I fell the floor.

"And when their is a weak alpha." He said.

He kicked me.

"There is a weak pack." He said.

He kicked me again. I coughed up blood.

"Alex!" Karra said running in.

"And here come his girlfriend who is also my niece." He said.

"Adam what are you doing? You're supposed to be on our side." She said.

"I'm on the side of Primal survival." He said.

"What about Ashton and Alex and me." She said.

"Pick a side Karra. The weak or us. I will protect you." He said.

"Karra do what you need to do." I said.

"I pick your side Adam." She said.

"There's one thing that you have to do before you come to my side." Adam said.

"What." She said.

"Break up with Alex." He said.

"I'm sorry Alex." Karra said.

They all left and I'm left on the floor.

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