The Last Day

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[Alex POV]

I woke up, got ready for school, and left. It was the last day of school. Thomas, Emily, and I went to our first 3 classes. Then it was lunch time. For lunch 2 people came up to Emily and I when we were alone. It was Logan and Katie Elson.

"We know about you guys." Katie said.

"You know what about us." I said suspiciously.

"Your a werewolf and she's a Vampire." Logan said.

"How?" I asked.

"Well Logan and I come from a family of witches and we keep tabs on all the family bloodlines of Vampires and Werewolves." Katie said.

"How do I know your a witch?" I asked Katie.

"Meet me in the woods at free period." Katie said when her and Logan were walking away.

"Should we go?" I asked Emily.

"Yes. Just to make sure they aren't bluffing." She said.

So free period came and we went out to the woods.

[Emily POV]

All of a sudden, when we were walking in the woods, Alex collapsed and he started groaning in pain. He was hold his head. Then Logan walked out casting a spell.

[Alex POV]

Logan stopped the spell and I got up.

"What did you just do?" Emily asked.

"I gave him an aneurism. But he heals fast so I did it repeatedly so he can't heal as fast." Logan said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You and Emily. We want you guys to do us a favor and one day we will do you one." Katie said.

"What's the favor?" Emily asked.

"We need a vampire for a ritual and a werewolf for a strength problem." Logan said.

"We'll do it." I said.

"Great we start tonight because I know about your camp Alex." Katie said.

We left the woods. When it was time to go to Logan and Katie, I left and met them in a cemetery.

"Welcome to Descendants Grove." Katie said.

"What do we need to do." Emily said losing patience.

"Emily follow me and we can get started." Logan said.

Emily walked away and I stood there waiting on Katie to get ready. I checked my watch and it was 11:57 pm.

"What time are we going to be done. I leave town in the morning." I said.

"We will be ready when we are ready." Katie said.

I stood waiting. I heard a scream. It sounded like Emily's. I tried to run to her but Katie gave me an aneurism again. I collapsed still trying to crawl to Emily.

"You need to stay back. You'll ruin the ritual." Katie said.

She stopped all of a sudden. Silence consumed to cemetery. I stood up and turned around. It was another wolf, and by the looks of it's eyes i knew it was a werewolf. Katie backed up until her back was against the tombstone. I shifted into my werewolf form and I stood bravely in front of the other wolf. It backed up and shifted into it's human form. I shifted back to my human form.

"I didn't know you were a werewolf. Dude, what the hell." I said.

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