First Day At Camp

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[Alex POV]

I was in the woods. Thomas was running. I saw hunters, so I turned and ran. We got far but not far enough. Thomas we shot in the leg with an arrow. I ran to him and took the arrow out his leg. He howled in pain. I helped him up and we kept running until I was shot in the back. I collapsed onto the ground. Thomas took the arrow out and he flipped me over. I was laying on my back and I could hardly breathe. Thomas was shot in his heart and he fell.

"THOMAS!" I screamed.

I was kicked in the gut. I looked up and a hunter was there. He was wearing all black. He took off his hood and it was a man who looked so familiar. He put up his gun. The sound of a gunshot consumed the darkness I was in.

My eyelids shot open as I woke up from that dream. I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Did you guys know Thomas is a werewolf." I said breaking the silence.

"Yes Alex, we did know." Mom said.

"Hurry up the bus will be here any minute. Did u even pack?" My dad said.

"Yes." I said leaving the table and going outside.

The bus approached. I got on and sat next to Thomas. I looked out the window and saw Emily waving. I smiled and waved back. The bus ride was long and bumpy because we traveled through the woods. We finally got to the camp. Everyone got their luggage and moved to the camps. I got a cabin with Thomas and another dude.

"Hey what's your name?" I asked.

"Kyle Evans." He said.

(A/N: Kyle and Kara Evans are characters from a book I removed called Wolf Reflex so I'm adding them to this story so no one can miss anything.)

"So Kyle you going to the first day bonfire" Tom said.

"No. My sister and I are going to the lake it's the best part of the woods." Kyle said.

"Maybe we can tag along." I said.

"That would be cool." Kyle said.

We all got unpacked and it was time for the bonfire. Thomas, Kyle, and I walked to the lake. We finally got there and a man and 2 girls were there. One of the girls were looking at me. I smiled and waved at her.

"This is my sister Kara, her best friend Erica, and Kara's uncle Adam. We have different dads." Kyle said.

So Kara is the name. Kara was looking at me.

"So you and Erica were bitten and Adam and Kara are in a bloodline." Thomas said.

"Yes." Adam said.

"My best friend Alex here is from a bloodline." Thomas said.

"Which one?" Adam asked.

"Cole bloodline." I said.

"Your apart of the Cole bloodline? The Cole bloodline has been MIA for years." Adam said.

"How do you know." I said.

"Because my great grandpa was in a group of Alphas who were in different bloodlines. Hill, Cole, Mickelson, and Trent." Adam said.

"Whats going on are we just going to talk or are we going to have fun." Kyle said.

Everyone shifted and jumped in the lake. We all swam and had fun. When the bonfire was over we stayed out for a little while longer. All I can say is this camp might be better than I thought.

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