Chapter Twenty-Three

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And then he pulled her by her neck and held her up in the air. "Ugh! Put me---! Urgh!... Down!!!" Emmarie said while trying to free herself from his grasp.

"Put her down!" Luke shouted and so the guy did. He dropped her on the concrete floor and faced him with a smirk from his lips.

"Adas, the son of Pluto." He said. "I didn't expect you to be in a form of a kid."

"Why? You couldn't accept that your so-called threat would be just a kid?"

The smile from the guy's lips disappeared.

"Who and what are you?" Luke asked.

"I am Bagno, the second phantom of Pluto. I came here together with the third phantom, Mirathea to destroy you!" Bagno answered.

"Ha! Good luck with that!" He said snidely and then they both started punching and kicking each other.

Bagno pulled out his sheathe from his side pocket and made a cut on Luke's skin and that made Luke bleed. He looked at the blade and saw that it was made of a meteor rock for it was glowing brightly in green.

He ran around Luke and kept making cuts on his skin and Luke was getting annoyed until he felt his eyes stinging again and much worse this time around.

"Fuck... Why do my eyes have to sting right now!?" Luke thought to himself as the painful and firey sensation consumed his eyes until he couldn't hold it in anymore and opened his eyes, giving off a bright red light from them to Bagno, hitting him right on his left chest.

The red light finally disappeared and saw Bagno lying on the concreted floor, dead. Feeling relieved, he sighed. He looked at Emmarie saw her that she was crying towards the poor Julian, lying on the floor in his pool of blood.

Luke's world crumbled at the sight of his uncle, lying dead on the floor. "Uncle Julian?..." He said warily, nearly in tears. "Uncle Julian!!!" He ran to his side and shook his shoulders.



"Go! Go! Get in the car!" Trent said as the others except Jayden got in. "Jayden! What are you waiting for?! Get in!"

"Wait! I need to find Ara!" Jayden said.

"She'll be fine! Now come on!!!" He shouted.

And then the other people at the evacuation camp started screaming and running out from their tents as for the third phantom, Mirathea, bombed off their tents with her power blast.

"Fuck! She's here! She's coming!" Trent said. "Jayden, get in the car!!!"

"NO!" Jayden said and then he ran away from the car.

"JAYDEN!!!" They all shouted.

Jayden continued to run, searching for Ara and a few minutes later, he already found her, lying on the road. "ARA!!!" He said as he lifted her head up only to felt a wet substance from her head and when he looked at his hand, he saw blood. Her head was bleeding.

"Oh my God! No!!!" Jayden said as he carried her in his arms and then suddenly, he felt a sharp object pointing at the back of his head.

"Don't move or I won't hesitate to drill this sword on your head." Mirathea threatened him. "BRING ME TO WHERE THE SON OF PLUTO IS AND I'LL GUARANTEE YOUR AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S SAFETY."


Jayden and Mirathea both turned around and saw Luke standing there, panting and sweating.

Mirathea smirked, "Well hello Adas." She said.

"I don't have time for greetings, Mirathea." Luke responded.

"You know what? You're too uptight for a little boy. Why don't you loosen up?" she said while smiling cleverly.

"Why don't you shut up and start preparing yourself for our fight?"

She smirked, "You leave me no choice." She said then she ran towards him and but Luke was too quick for her that he instantly avoided all of her punches and kicks.

"Would you stop avoiding and start fighting!?" Mirathea said angrily.

"Well, I don't hit girls..." Luke said calmly. "BUT for this case, I may as well have to." Then he elbowed her right across her face and then kicked her on the stomach and threw her away from where they were both standing.

Mirathea stood up but then someone pulled her back and when she turned around, she saw a girl, her blue eyes filled with rage and when she tightened her grip on her shoulder, Mirathea started to stiffen.

"What are you!?" Mirathea asked with a hint of fear in her voice. Rebecca just smirked and then pressed harder on her shoulder. "Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!" She felt like a thousand of needles and knives were digging through her skin as she turned into a statue. Luke stood there, shocked.

"Luke, destroy her! NOW!" Rebecca ordered him and he nodded as he ran quickly towards Mirathea and punched her in the stomach, causing her to break into pieces. Rebecca quickly put back on her silver wristband.

"Call Trent and the others... Emmarie and Julian need us now." Luke said.


Trent, Luke, William, Katelyn, Zach and Rebecca went to where Emmarie and Julian were and they saw her crying over Julian's limp body lying on a pool of blood which happened to be his blood. Jayden didn't come with them as for he rushed Ara into the clinical booth to let the medical team heal her.

"Oh my God..." Katelyn muttered.

Rebecca put her hands on her mouth in shock as tears came out of her eyes.

"Jules?..." Trent said, trying not to cry. "Julian! Wake up!" He knelt beside him and shook him but he didn't wake up.

Emmarie continued to cry, "Julian... Please... Wake up!!!" She said. "JULIAAAAAAAN!"


Oh no... Julian...

Is he still alive?

Luke has a new super power again!

Katelyn and William are safe!!!

Jayden is with Ara at the medical booth... Is she gonna be okay?

What will happen to Trent and Rebecca?

Stay tuned!


Louise :) xx

2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz