Legacy Of A Flower: Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"You're pretty smart, I'll give you that." He stated."But you were wrong. I have mastered the ability to be able to control my vines with only my mind and chakra."

My eyes widen, and whispers went throughtout the stadium. This kid..... He's more advance than I thought... There's only one way to defeat him....

"You're just so weak." He said. "You waste your time with a bunch of idiots that will probably allow you to die for there own pathetic lives.... You really think that these things you call 'hope' and 'love' work? You have a lot to learn..."

"That's not true!" Naruto shouted. I looked up at the aggravated blonde. "I'd die for her or anyone of my comrades anyday!" I smiled.... He might be an idiot but he has more heart than anyone else I know.

Basil brought his hands up, weaving a set of handsigns and jumped up into the air.

"Fire Style, Great Flaming Serpant!" Is that a Yoshida jutsu? A huge fire snake was hurdling towards me at a great speed, and I had no time to dodge. So I did my own set of signs. The serpant soon crashed down.

"Lily!" Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru shouted in alarm.

"W-Where'd she go?!" Naruto asked loudly."The match just can't be-"

"What's that!" Someone interrupted him. A flower was growing from the ground, growing bigger, and bigger.

Soon, it opened up, and I jumped out of it, breathing rougly. That was way too close... Basil was beyond confused on how I did that, but as I said I have my ways of doing things.

A kick was about to be sent to my back but I ducked under. I tried to clip Basil, but he jumped over my leg. He began to throw punches that I blocked with my arms crossed into an 'x'.

I backflipped as he got closer, then he was right in the center. I jumped back, kunai in hand. Then I threw the weapon on a certain spot on the ground and four vines seeped from the dirt, wrapping around him.

"W-What is this?! How are you doing this!" He demanded to know. Then his eyes widen in realization. "No... A weaklimg like you couldn't have been capable of creating something like that."

"Oh but I did." I said."I've dropped eight seeds on the ground. Only these aren't normal. You are right about one thing.... I am inexperienced... So I've created a ninja tool of my own that provides my chakra. In these seeds lie my chakra, and just by making a hand sign or triggering them, I could do just about anything by using my Puranto Sosa."

"When did you-" He stopped mid sentence to answer his own question. "When you ran around in a circle.... You used the dust in order to hide the seeds you were dropping..."

That's how I was able to use that flower to escape the fire serpant.

I nodded, more whispers going among the audience. My opponent scowled and somehow he had manged to use a kunai to cut himself out.

"Damnit..." I muttered. "This kid has a way around just about everything..."

"Pathetic..." He rolled his eyes cockily. "Let me guess you can't manipulate your attacks to go behind you?" I glared at him, and remained silent.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said. "You weren't raised the way a true shinobi should.... You haven't suffered the pain, and harshness..... No! All you did was cower behind our Mother!"

My eyes grew big, but it didn't take long for me to narrow them at him."Our Mother raised me.... To become someone great!"

That's when I ran at him, and he did not hesitate to do the same."Our mother raised me to be kind! To be loyal! And most of all to never give up on anyone!"

I kicked him in his side, but he grabbed my ankle, so as he flew, he was able to throw me a greater distance, and into the wall.

"It's because of you!" He screamed. "That I had to be on my own! I didn't get to even look her in the eyes, or know what it's like to have someone who cares about you!"

I stopped then and there, stopping his fist with my hand. "You see my eyes...." I said in a calm voice. "You are looking into the eyes of someone who cares about you more than they could care for anybody!"

"Lies!" He refused to believe me, but I wouldn't quit.

"I understand how you feel..." I said, looking deep into my brothers dark eyes with my light ones."Our own mother was killed saving me.... I felt so alone.... There was no one there for me. I had to fend for myself... I had to bare the feeling of remorse..."

"None of that will make you stronger!"He kicked me in my stomach, and I fell, just barely avoiding his kunai.

"You're wrong..." I shook my head."That love has made me stronger, and become a better person. The people around you.... The ones you would die for... They help you grow strong."

This time he punched me in my face, and I already had blood coming from my mouth from his last kick.

He was better at taijutsu than me. I was breathing raggedly, and my chakra is pretty low. I stood at the very top of the wall and Basil too, only on the oppossite side.

"Look at you..." He began. "You have blood on your shirt and face.... Your chakra is low, yet you keep fighting.... W-Why?" He no longer seem angry or full of hate... He just seemed... Confused..

"B-Because my bestfriend taught me to never go back on my word." I answerd weakly yet strongly."I will always see the light in those eyes that seem to have a neverending darkness."

"Everyone has a light in them, some dimmer than others..." I repeated my mothers words once again."I'm just drawn to you... Because I can't help but want to save you from yourself..."

We both made a set of signs and the jutsu Miyuki taught me was in both of our hands. Mine was a sphere of water with a lily in it. His was a sphere of fire with a basil leaf in it.

"Y-You are the son of Haruka Yoshida.... You were never born to become this..."

As we began to reach eachother, I yelled the last words I wanted to say. The words I hope will change his heart. "You are my brother, Basil! I won't give up on you!... Even if you hate me!"

He began to try to slow down, and so did I. But as soon as we were at the middle, it was too late, my Nature's Sphere was no longer in my hand. I was able to disable it.... But Basil was only able to minimize it's power, hitting me in my stomach.

Blood flew out of my mouth, and my knees were about to give up on me, but he was there to hold me up. His arms were around my waist, my chin resting tiredly on his shoulder, but somehow I knew I was still able to keep going. It was my will to fight that kept me on my feet.

Everyone was shocked. I was able to hold myself up, but I couldn't let my arms leave from around my brother. "I-I quit." He said.

The proctor nodded. "Basil Yoshida has forfeit, therefore Lily Yoshida wins this match."

The crowd that was once silent from shock, was now cheereing. I smiled, as Basil and I looked at the roaring crowd. They weren't cheering just for me, they were cheering for the both of us.

They were cheering for the siblings who mangaed to make their way through the darkness. Basil had light in him all along, all he needsd was for someone to show him that he could let it shine.

I saw it in his eyes, because someone reminded me that I couldn't give up.... Though that person is still trapped in the dark, but now I won't give up on them either.

Well I hope you like it.... I had a bit of a writers block but I'm back now... I'm back to making longer chapters! Whooo!

Fact Of The Chapter

Lily has gotten the trait to not give up on anyone from her mother and Naruto. She just needed someone else to remind her.... She was always able to see the good in people. She has the power to be able to understand, and no matter how hard someone pushes her away she won't quit. And now she will stop at nothing to help her clan find their light.


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