Accidental/On purpose

Start from the beginning

She had been quiet for at least ten seconds now, and I started wondering if she could even talk. Usually, people immediately started apologizing with bullshit stories, but she just silently stepped aside and continued her path through the hallway. For a moment, I was completely distracted from what had happened. Did she just... walk away, saying nothing? I quickly arranged my thoughts and turned around.

'I assume you won't be able to squeeze out anything useful out of that tiny mouth of yours?'

The girl froze for a second, but also turned around and stared at me, while she shrank in a little. It gave me the upper hand and with that, I gained back my usual confidence and slightly tilted my head to the right. 'Supposedly, that's a no, then. Nothing more than I expected from someone with two horrendous sisters like yours.'

Still nothing. Not a single muscle moved, her expression didn't change a bit, and in my head, I started to frown. Hm. Most often, people were offended when I spoke bad about their close ones, but unfortunately, she was a closed book. A quality I hated in people, even though it was also one of my qualities.

I could stop right there, give the girl a scold and just turn around and walk away, but while I could easily do that, I couldn't just give up. This girl would know who I was and she'd sure remember it.

'So, you don't like answering questions, I see? Well then. Tell me what you were doing in this hallway.' She was still looking at me, a weird look in her eyes, as if she didn't know what I just said. My eyes narrowed and I took one step towards the girl, which, apparently, seemed just enough. She immediately stepped back, her facial expression turning scared again, and with a very soft voice, she finally started speaking.

'I-I was j-just checking o-on h-how Virgo and S-Sagittarius w-were doing,' she mumbled, before quickly turning around again. But little did she know, I would not let her get away that fast.


And she did. She didn't turn around again, but at least she still stood there like a statue, probably meaning she'd be listening to my next words. I only needed seconds to think about what I'd say.

'Sagittarius, huh? Well, that's a name I happen to know. Is he your friend?' No verbal answer, but at least she lightly shook her head. One of my eyebrows plugged itself onto my forehead and I folded my arms. 'Isn't he? Well, why would he. I can't really imagine why anyone would want to be friends with you. Do you even have the ability to talk or do anything else than squeak?'

Now, the girl started showing some action. Like she did before, she mildly shrank in, and once again I felt new confidence flow through me. But, normally, I would just treat her as I were to treat any other.

But she wasn't any other anymore.

I would get her down. And boy, she would be down.

I took another step towards her, which she didn't notice because her back was still turned to me. 'Apparently, it seems your only ability is to pretend like no one around hears or sees you. Quite a good ability; unfortunately enough, that ability doesn't come true in real life.'

The girl let out another soft squeak, before she muttered something sounding like "I should go" as she quickly started walking again. But if she thought she'd be done, she was very, very wrong. In fact, her action to just walk away again triggered something in my head and before she could get much further, I'd stepped forwards and grabbed her arm.

'You do not just ignore people and expect them not to be pissed off,' I hissed, pulling her back while tightening my grip on her. The girl let out a soft shriek and tried to squirm her way out of the situation, but it only caused me to grip her upper arm a little tighter.

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