Chapter 16. Operation turn back the clock.

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''How are we going to turn back time?'' Kenzie asked.

''We will find a way!'' Brynn said

''We gotta get moving, if we turn back time, maybe we can get Maddie back'' Kenzie smiled

''I honestly don't know how this is possible'' Brynn sighed.

''Well it is'' Kenzie said

''Maybe were dreaming'' Brynn said

''Oh, you arent'' A girl said

''Oh my god! Lily, you're here?'' Kenzie said

''Hey Kenz'' Lily said

''I thought you died!'' Kenzie said

''I didn't die, but Hook took me'' Lily said

''Hook?'' Kenzie asked

''Captain Hook, he returned from hell'' Lily said

''This is bad!'' Kenzie said

''And pan is dead...'' Lily said

''No!'' Kenzie cried

''And he is coming for me, he wants to punish me for helping pan'' Lily said

''We gotta fight time, and get back to 2016'' Brynn said

''Not only do we gotta fight to take time back, but we gotta erase Hook from this earth'' Lily said

''How the hell do we do that?'' Brynn asked

''We kill hook, and make sure he doesn't go to hell! we make sure we turn him to dust!'' Lily said

''How do we do that?'' Kenzie asked

''With the Olympic Bolt'' Lily said

''No, that's to dangerous'' Brynn interoupted.

''We need to use it'' Kenzie said

''Whatever!!'' Brynn said

''Let's go! we gotta find a way back'' Kenzie said

Brynn looked over to see a broken crystal. ''Kenzie!'' Brynn yelled. Kenzie and Lily ran over

''What is that?'' Kenzie asked taking it from Brynn.

''Give it back!'' Brynn said

''No, im looking at it'' Kenzie said

Brynn pushed Kenzie on the ground and grabbed the stone

''What the hell'' Kenzie yelled

''Don't take my shit!'' Brynn snapped aiming the crystal at Kenzie

''HOOK!'' Lily said

''No... much worse...'' Brynn said

''Heidi'' Lily said

''You figured it out'' Heidi said

''Get out of Brynn's body!'' Kenzie screamed

''Gladly'' Heidi said stepping out from Brynn's body. Brynn's body fell to the ground.

''No!'' Kenzie screamed

''What have you done!'' Lily yelled

''Sit down'' Heidi said pushing Lily to the ground.

''Were going to make a deal.... either I come with you back to 2016, or one of you doesn't make it out alive'' Heidi said

''NO!'' Kenzie screamed

''Not a chance'' Lily said

''Fine...Who dies first?!'' Heidi said pointing the Crystal at Mackenzie.

''What... that doesn't scare me, its a rock'' Kenzie said

''This isn't only a rock, it could hurt you'' Heidi said

''It wont hurt that bad'' Kenzie said

''You're right, it will hurt worse, this wont hurt you, it will end you!'' Heidi smiled.

Heidi turned the crystal on, and aimed it at Mackenzie

''Goodbye, Mackenzie'' Heidi said

BLAST!!!!! Blue smoke went everywhere, and someone was dead.

''NOOO!!! AHHH!!'' Lily and Brynn screamed.


Hey! Hope you enjoyed. ill update soon,

The killing gamesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara