Chapter 7. Escape.

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''Melissa, I may be you're sun, but I don't love you'' Damian yelled. ''How dare you talk to you're mother with such disrespect'' Melissa yelled setting Damian on fire... ''AHHHHH'' Damian cried. He fell to the ground dead......

Present day

''Mom! Are we going to die'' Kenzie repeated

''Kenzie I don't know'' Amy said in fear.

''What do you know?'' Brynn asked.

''That you girl's are leaving the house. The two of you can move to Miami or somewhere, ill be fine'' Amy said

''We aren't leaving you!'' Kenzie and Brynn both said looking afraid

''Yes you are, take my gun, and go to the airport now! star a new life! NOW!'' Amy yelled.

''We can't go without you'' Brynn said.

''You need to, Damian is coming for us. GO NOW!'' Amy said,

''We love you'' The girls said tears in there eyes.

''I love you too'' Amy said

The girls ran out the door, ''Wait'' Brynn said running back to the house. Brynn ran to the room, took all her cloths, photos, and her friendship bracelet that Kenzie made her, the Bracelet meant everything to Brynn, because it was from Kenzie.

''You ready?'' Kenzie asked starting the car

Yea, let's go!'' Brynn said.

The girl's started driving down the road, they turned on the radio, the song ''MY HOUSE''  By Flo Rida.

A guy jumps out from no where and Hit's the car...

''Holy FUCK'' Mackenzie yelled.

''What was that?'' Brynn cried.

''Pull up closer'' Brynn said.

Kenzie pulled up to the person as he stood, It was Marcos. He grabbed at the door and grabbed Kenzie's arm.

''Let go of her creep'' Brynn yelled shooting him in the chest.

''GO, GO, GO.'' Brynn yelled

They kept driving until they made it to the Midnight moonlight restaurant.

''Let's go online to Insta-Face.'' Brynn said

''Great idea'' Kenzie smiled entering the diner.

The two logged on to the site to see 6 new messages. 2 from Caleb/Brent, and 1 from Marcos and then 2 from Damian

''You little brats, when I get out I will kill you'' Brent's first message said. ''I swear to lord'' The second text said.

'' I wanted to know if you wanted to meet up, in 10''  Marcos message said.

''Is Mommy scared yet? she will be when I jab knifes through her heart''  Damian's first text said ''While I murder her, you can help, deal? you're next!'' His second text said.

Kenzie got a call from ''Mad's'' her sister Maddie.

''Hey Mads'' Kenzie said

Hey Kenz, I heard Mom died.... I heard you're living alone! Maddie said

Yea, just me and Brynn'' Kenzie cried.

''I love you Kenz, so I wanted to know! would you, and Brynn like to come live with me in Mission-Hills? Maddie asked.

Of course we would, thank you Maddie, I love you so much'' Kenzie said

''Anything for a sister, or two lol, see you soon'' Maddie said

''You too'' Kenzie cried.

Just then Damian messaged Kenzie on Insta-Face again. Mackenzie grabbed her imac and through it at a window watching it smash.

''What the hell'' Brynn whispered.

''I don't want a social life, were starting over'' Kenzie explained

''Yo, What the hell was that'' Mandy a woman yelled

''It was her throwing her computer'' a voice said.

''Was it you, you little white girl!?'' Mandy yelled.

''Yea ma'am, it was'' Kenzie spoke

''All yawl  Rachet GET OUT OF MY DINER'' Mandy yelled.

December 30th 2000

Damian came back from the dead... He was satan, he was the devil. He was DAMIAN.

''Hello, Mother'' Damian said entering his mom's bedroom

''How are you alive!'' Melissa yelled

''Nice to see you too.'' Damian said.

''Take that ridiculous mask off'' Melissa yelled.

Damian removed his mask, his face was burnt off, blood stains on his face, he was ugly...

''AHHH'' Melissa yelled

''You did this....Now you will pay, you wait! I will kill you're second born child!'' Damian smiled then left.

''Mackenzie would be born soon, she was expected to be born September 28th 2001.'' Melissa cried.


Kenzie and Brynn ran as fast as there legs could go. As they got outside a gun shot fired hitting Brynn in the gut knocking her down....Possibly dead.


Hey guy's, I finally updated ''You promised'' I liked this chapter, now you know why Damian is going for Kenzie... But who shot Brynn?  If Damian was the shooter, why not shoot the one he hates Kenzie... Maybe he want's Kenzie to loose everyone! Starting with Brynn!

Chapter 8 will be a good one! Damian may not be in it, But the next one is all about Brynn!

Spoiler 1: Brynn forgets who she is while trying to stay alive.

Spoiler 2: Maddie is in the rest of the book, she doesn't die!

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