48- Like an Object

Start from the beginning

Even for as huge of an asshole as he was he was still sweet in his own twisted way. When it had come time to break up with me he did it privately. He'd told me it was because he had feelings for Christy. At least he’d been nice enough not to admit the truth. Saying he liked someone else was nicer than saying he couldn't be with me anymore for appearance reasons. 

James face lifted into a little smile and I gave my own small one back before I realized I'd just been staring at him like some insane person. My cheeks instantly flushed and I turned my head away, my ponytail swaying as I ran down the court the other way. 

Why did I have to go and do something like that? I wondered, grinding my teeth in frustration. Now he'd probably think I was looking over at him because I missed him. Maybe he'd think that I smiled because I knew he was the only one who would credit me when I made a good shot, even though he was also the first to point out when I made a mistake on the court. 

This time I let my eyes find Logan, glancing over in his direction. James wasn't the only one who would notice my good plays this time, Logan would as well. I'd heard him even give a little cheer or two when I made a point in our nerve wrakingly close second quarter. But now none of that light was in his eyes. He was too busy giving an annoyed gaze, his lips tight as he returned my stare.

What had I done now? I wondered, trying not to roll my eyes. He got upset at me faster than anyone I'd ever known- even Maver. And that was saying something. Maver loved getting on my case about one thing or another. 

I looked back to Logan, surprised to see that he wasn't alone any longer. I couldn't stop the grin from reaching my face as Preston greeted me with a wave and a huge smile of his own as he slipped onto the bench beside Logan. He gave me a thumbs up and a wink, before turning to listen to whatever little hiss of words was coming from Logan's mouth as he complained about one thing or another. 

I laughed to myself, catching a pass in my hands just as I was about to look back at the pair of boys. Reality that the game wasn't over settled in and I looked down at the ball, realizing I'd caught a pass that wasn't even meant for me. That didn't matter now though, because the girls that were running my way were for me. 

I took off down the court, dribbling smoothly as I weaved levelheadedly between the two of them. They may all have their little boyfriends gossiping up on the bleachers but I had two of the most important people to me right now taking time out of their busy day to watch me play. Sure, Preston had only managed to make it with ten seconds left in the game, but at least he cared enough to get here to give me a ride home. 

And Logan? He was important to me in his own, less conventional, way. 

Besides, Preston showing up meant that I didn't have to worry about Logan starting another fight with Lucas. He'd probably just pretend it never happened, give Lucas another threatening gaze or two to feed his own sense of male dominance, then leave with me and Preston. 

The shot swished in the hoop just as the final buzzer went off. No, it wasn't the winning point or anything of the sort, we were ahead by a fair amount ever since the third quarter, but it still was enough to make me feel good. If I finished high school like this then maybe I could consider it one of the better times in my life. I had a warm house, I had friends, I had a boyfriend- 

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