Double date ______

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It's so weird that I woke up feeling fresh like I'm not exhausted at all. It's quite a good thing, so I just have to soak it in.

I get out of my room and find Harry at the kitchen preparing sandwiches. I guess it's for the date.

I sneak and hug him from behind resting my head on his left shoulder. I'm just trying to be sweet alright?!

"Morning." Harry greets.


"Is this good?" He motions his hand with half slice of sandwich to my mouth. I take a bite of it, tuna sandwich.

"Well Yea." I wipe some mayo off my mouth.

He eats what's left of the bitten sandwich and nods, somehow satisfied. It becomes quiet, now I feel like he's not noticing my efforts. I pull away and grab a glass of water from the fridge.

"Why'd you stop?" He turns to me.


"Nothing." He mumbles and continue making those sandwiches.

"What can I do to help?" I ask.

"Nothing. I can handle it." He mutters.

"Come on Harry!" I insist.

"Well, you can continue hugging me that would be a lot of help." He chuckles.

I giggle. "Okay." I embrace him and sway him left and right.

"Oh wait. The neighbor at the right have bikes, maybe we can borrow."

I jump in excitement. "Really? I'll do it." I run to the door.

"Don't forget to say good morning to Mrs. Barnes!" I heard him yell as I close the door.

I head to the right door next to us and knock. Not long, someone opens the door.

It's the old lady! "Oh. You must be Callum's sister! I haven't got your name." She gasps.

"Yes. Good morning Mrs. Barnes. How do you do. My name's Leen." I awkwardly greet.

"How do you do. May I help you dear?"

"Uhm.. I was wondering if we could borrow some bikes?"

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