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Dear Marienne,

We were supposed to go to the pathologist today. This morning, however, he cancelled the appointment because he had suddenly gotten sick. He said he had gotten a case of sudden diarrhea. It's really unusual how everything related to solving your case keeps getting delayed or pushed over, isn't it?

Anyway, I've been trying to get somewhere on solving your case myself. I've been really observing the way people have been behaving. I remember when the police came, Dylan was very sweaty. Usually, people get sweaty either when they've been exercising or when they are nervous. Dylan hadn't been exercising, of course, but why would he be nervous? Maybe he... No! How can I even think like this- he's your brother! I am getting too far-fetched. I must calm myself down. I guess I should just leave the detective work up to the professionals.

Today at school nobody sat with me at lunch. I heard that someone has been spreading rumors about me that I must have had some sort of hand in your murder. It's a rumor; it's not true of course. But the real question is: How did anybody find out that we discovered it was, in fact, murder? I never told anybody. In fact, we had just found out! I had not told a single soul; the only people who knew were the people in our family. Somebody must have either gotten information from the authorities (whose help we are seeking) or must have eavesdropped on our family discussions. In fact, they must have eavesdropped, because the authorities cannot just tell anyone the confidential information regarding the case. Maybe they got bribed or threatened; who knows? Maybe this is serious information, that someone found out. Maybe I should inform and alert the authorities.

UPDATE: Mom was calling me for dinner, so I had to go. But I'm here now! I've been wondering -and I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before- maybe Dylan told one of his friends, and they told their younger sibling who's in my grade. Or maybe Mom or Dad told their friend who told their children. I don't even know. All I know is that I haven't told anybody.

On a less exciting note, we moved seats in all of our classes today. I got a pretty decent seat, but it's not where I had wanted it. I wished for my seat to be in the back of the classroom; away from the teacher. My seat is unfortunately the opposite of what I wished for. On the bright side, I sit next to some pretty smart kids! Maybe I can get some help on my homework and classroom assignments.


♥ Armelle Davis


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I am not going to be able to post as much as I have, mainly because of school and finals. Thank you so much for understanding! My next update will probably be sometime around the second week of next month.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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