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Dear Marienne,

I've gotten to get a grip on myself and cope with our situation. I've been scrolling through Instagram, stalking your profile. Your pictures would always show up in my feed, and I would always double-tap all of them.

We got more information on your case. There's been rumors spreading around, in which people are saying that you got murdered. Some are even saying that you got raped. But how's that possible?! I mean, it's been declared that you died in the hospital. It's okay, these are just rumors which are based on nothing in reality.

Today at school one of the seniors (I think his name was Nathan) said that he was from your class, and that he was very sorry about what happened. He asked about the cause of your death. I said that you had a heart attack. Then he asked if he could come over today, because he was friends with a junior named Dylan. But of course, first he made sure that his Dylan was the same Dylan as our brother. It was a sort of awkward situation, a freshman talking to a senior. It was also very rare. Of course I felt even more awkward and weird talking about a personal thing with a stranger, but I felt comfortable.

Like I have said before, your "friends" have evidently portrayed the traits of backstabbers. They don't even feel a little bit of guilt or remorse for picking on me, a person about 4 years younger. Who's sister just passed away. Nope, there's no pity, respect, or condolences coming from them! If you were here, then I bet you would have set them straight. I bet they're the people spreading the rumors.

It's really bad how something as simple as a sentence can ruin someone's reputation and even life. We're learning in our homeroom classes about bullying and harassment every other week. It's very impactful, and we can relate.

Armelle xo


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