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Dear Marienne,

Today in church we learned that everything happens for a reason. My getting into frosh cheer has a reason. Dylan's becoming nice has a reason. Your death had a reason. Maybe it happened because if it didn't, something else would not have happened. Nobody knows. Not yet, at least.

The police came to our house today. I was in my room, finishing up an essay. I had the window open, because it was really hot. Suddenly, I heard a bunch of police sirens and Dylan ran into my room all sweaty. "THE POLICE ARE HERE." He exclaimed. I wondered why he was all nervous, and asked, "So? It's okay. Why are you all worked up?"

"They are here to discuss Mari's case. Come downstairs." he stated with a straight face.

"Marienne? But why? I thought the case was closed." I was curious.

"Come downstairs and ask them if you want to."

I followed Dylan out of my room and down the stairs, into the living room. In the living room there were two police officers and a man in a suit sitting down on our sofa and chairs. I greeted them and quietly sat down.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. We have come here to discuss Marienne's case." A policeman said. His name-tag read Officer Cesar.

"Case? There is no case-" Dylan popped up.

"Excuse me?" The policeman said.

" -Marienne died because of her own bodily functions." Mom told him to keep quiet and sit down. Realizing his embarassment, he sat back down.

"So, as I was saying, we'd like to talk about Marienne's case. Mr. Finch, would you like to continue?"

"The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was prohibiting us from looking into Marienne's medical health history without her legal permission. However, you all allowed us to access her records, which was a big help." The man in the suit said. He looked like a lawyer. I found it funny how his name was Mr. Finch and he was a lawyer, just like in To Kill a Mockingbird. I glanced over at his name tag. A. Finch it read. Wouldn't it be funny if his first name was Atticus, too? Ha! He continued, "There was no other sort of unusual thing going on with her, so we do not know for a fact, that what caused her second heart attack. Also, we have some bad news."

"W-What is it?" Dad questioned. 

"Marienne's blood type is B Positive, correct? At least, that is what it said on her medical records. We had found a strand of hair within her hair while doing the autopsy. Coincidentally, we had decided to test the hair for foreign DNA because the hair seemed to have been plucked at the root with the hair follicle still intact. The hair follicle at the base of human hairs contains cellular material rich in DNA. In order to be used for DNA analysis, the hair must have been pulled from the body; hairs that have been broken off do not contain DNA. Perhaps Marienne plucked it out while tugging at the murderer's hair? Overall, we concluded that the hair could not have been Marienne's. The test resulted in giving us the information that it did contain foreign DNA. Even the blood type was different: A Positive. Do you know anyone with the blood group A Positive?" Mr. Finch continued.

"No, and what are you trying to say? Are you a lawyer or a doctor, anyway?" I asked politely.

"I studied medicine for a while in college, then switched to law because of my interests. And to answer your question, we are saying that Marienne's death may not have been natural. There's no solid proof that she died of a second heart attack, nor that she died of any natural causes. And foreign substances so close to her? There's got to be some sort of conspiracy." Mr. Finch answered.

"We ordered some more reports from the autopsy, and luckily the hospital had the tests still in the system. We still don't know why the reports never reached anyone. The reports are coming, though. I hope you all understood what we were trying to convey." the other policeman said. His name-tag read Officer Brown. What a generic name.

The three gentlemen got up. "We'll call you or stop by to discuss any other news or reports. Thank you for having us over." Officer Cesar said.

We all got up and lead the three men to the door. When they left, we all quietly went back to where we were. I ran upstairs to my room. I knew exactly what the police officers meant. You were murdered. 

But why?


Armelle Davis x


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