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Dear Marienne,

It's May now. They say "April showers bring May flowers." Maybe the showers of tears will bring new hope. We met at Mr. Finch's office today. It was a very neat and professional office, and everything was organized.

"We received the autopsy papers today, but it had some legal work involved. I'm going to need you to sign here and here, Mr. and Mrs. Davis." He ordered, as he pointed out two lines designated by an 'x' to mark the placement of a signature. As Mom and Dad signed the document, Mr. Finch continued. "I assume you're going to go to a pathologist to discuss the post-mortem? There are some details which I possibly couldn't describe- despite my knowledge in the medical field. It's just too specialized."

Dad answered before Mom could. "Yes, we are planning on doing so. We have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Today, however, we have a scheduled meeting with Officer Brown."

"Yes," Mr. Finch replied. "It is a good idea to go to him as well. He and Mr. Cesar have talked to a forensic toxicologist, and have gained some important information which would be best to only hear from their mouths. Well, it was a pleasure meeting with your family again, Mr. Davis." He shook his hand.

We all got up to leave. Right as I got up, I couldn't resist the urge to ask what his first name was. So I did. "By the way-" I started to say, when Mr. Finch interrupted me with four words, which were so eloquent that they seemed to be practiced: 

"Yes, it is Atticus."

Stunned, I replied, "H-How did you know I was going to-"

"It's a common question which I get asked a lot, Miss Davis. I am proud to know that I am named after such a heroic and sensible man. Great novel, it was. Yes, it was indeed."

I nodded, shook his hand, and turned my head around to leave with the rest of my family.

We all got in the car and drove into an unknown area. "Where are we going?" I asked. I had thought that we were supposed to go to the police station.

"We are going to the police station, but a different one because it's a Sunday and the local one is closed." Mom replied. I thought it odd for a police station to be shut down on Sundays. What if someone needed to urgently get hold of the police? After a while, it dawned upon me that 911 was there for a reason. Dylan would call it a "brain fart", which is absolutely disgusting.

We arrived at the police station within half an hour. Officer Brown was there. We all walked into Officer Brown's office. It was generic like his name. His walls were beige, just plain boring. Along with being dull, they were filled with nothingness; no paintings, no pictures, not even a diploma! The carpet was just a darker shade of the wall. The white desk (finally, a pop of color!) was decorated with stacks of papers, a holepunch, a stapler, and a picture frame with a photograph of Officer Brown, his supposed wife, and two children- a girl and a boy who were of about the same age. In it's entirety, the room was monotonous.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Please, sit down. Sorry about the mess of papers. New case." he plainly said. Expressionlessly, he continued, "It seems that Marienne's post mortem describes her death as- I'm sorry to say this- being not naturally caused. In other words, there was something fishy going on. Someone-" He gulped. "Murdered her. Now, this is my first murder case, so I will try and solve it to the best of my ability without going to crazy, but the autopsy report explained two things: 1. She was poisoned, or 2. Her air source was cut off. Now, I'm not going to go too into depth with this explanation, despite my talk with the forensic toxicologist. I'll leave that up to the pathologist."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER?! Why is everybody always leading the topic of discussion up to the next authority? I just want to know the truth about my daughter's death, that's all!" Mom yelled. She was very angry.

"Ma'am, I can see where you're coming from. But it's best to just leave the professional talk up to the specialist, because-"

"No. I want to know, and I want to know RIGHT NOW." She declared. Dad tapped her shoulder and calmed her down. Mom started to cry.

"I'm sorry, officer." Dad explained. "You see, this is a big shock to our family. Our daughter- the apple of our eye- has gone and left us forever."

"She was the most beautiful and most talented girl anyone had ever seen." Mom said through her sobs. "Everyone wished for a daughter like her."

"I understand, Mrs. Davis," Officer Brown said. "I can assure you that we are getting more information. Please be sure to talk with the pathologist. Mr. Davis, Mrs. Davis is a bit emotional. Would it be all right if we just discuss the rest on the phone?"

"Sure, Officer."

"Great then."

We all stood up and got ready to leave. Once again, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Officer Brown, by the way, what's your first name?" I inquired.

"John." Generic.

Names tell a lot about a person.


Armelle Davis ♥


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