Chapter Twenty-Two

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And then, she finally showed up. She was wearing her pj's and didn't even bother to comb her hair but Jayden found her cute and irresistible still.

"So you wanted us to meet." Ara said while rubbing her eyes then she put on her glasses back again.

"Yeah... But maybe I should've just texted you maybe around nine in the morning because it looks like I've interrupted your good sleep." Jayden said.

"Well, I'm glad that you texted me because that woke me up from my nightmare." She said calmly.


"Yep. Nightmare."

Then they both sat down on a cold stone bench. "Wanna talk about it?" Jayden asked her.

"I'm not really sure if I wanted to." Ara replied as she looked down on her lap. Jayden got her left hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Okay. But just remember that I'm always here for you." He said as he gave her a loving smile then he kissed her on the cheek. Ara's eyes grew wide in surprise as she didn't expect that her favourite guy from her favourite boyband would kiss her on her cheek.

"Sorry... I shouldn't have done that." He said as he looked down. Then a few seconds later, Ara lifted his chin up and kissed him passionately on the lips.

When they both pulled away, Jayden said, "I love you Ara. I fell in love with you the first time that I saw you... Will you be my..."


And just then they heard a horrifying scream.

Just then, two people, a man and a woman dressed in a fashionably armored clothing came out from the bushes, holding Julian and Emmarie.

"JULIAN! EMMARIE!!!" Jayden said then he turned to Ara, "Ara, RUN!"

"But Jayden--!" Ara protested.

"JUST RUN!!!" He yelled and Ara did what he told her to do. She ran away.

"Jayden, whatever they say, don't let them make you give away where Luke is!" Julian said.

"Ah goddamn it Julian! You're not supposed to say that, remember!?" Emmarie said angrily at him and then the guy holding her said, "SHUT UP!" Then he slapped her right across her cheek.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO HURT HER!!!" Julian said as he tried to let himself go from the girl but the girl was too strong. "OH MY FUCKIN' GOODNESS WOULD YOU LET ME GO!?!?"

"Jayden, RUN!!!" Emmarie said but Jayden didn't move. His body was too shocked and numb to move.

"JAYDEN, JUST DO WHAT SHE ASKS YOU TO DO!!!" Julian yelled and Jayden ran away as fast as he could. The guy turned to the other girl, "Go and follow him Mirathea." He said. Mirathea nodded and smashed Julian onto the wall and he lost consciousness.

"JULIAN!!!" Emmarie screamed.


Jayden kept running and running until he bumped onto Zach who was then stretching after getting an hour of sleep.

"Hey Jaydo! What's up?" Zach said. "You look like you've seen a ghost or something."

"Way worse than a ghost, Zach." Jayden said. "Plutonians... The Plutonians are here and they are looking for Luke!!!"

Then they immediately rushed into the tent that they were all staying in at the moment and saw Rebecca sleeping with Luke on the bed while Trent on the blue mat with his white blanket on him.

Zach got a twig from nearby and poked Trent's nose with it.

"Oh my God Zach! This is no time for pranks!" Jayden said.

Zach ignored him and continued to do it to Trent, "Hey, Emu-face! Wake up!!!" He said. Then he poked his nose hard and that made Trent awaken from his deep slumber.

"FUCKIN' HELL ZACHARIAH BRIAN RUSSELL!!! WHAT'S UP WITH POKING MY NOSE WITH THE FUCKIN' TWIG!?!?!" Trent yelled and that caused for Rebecca to wake up.

"I was just trying to wake you up!" Zach defensed.

"Trent, the Plutonians are here!" Jayden said worriedly and Trent quickly got up and rushed over to Luke.

"Luke, wake up! Luke!" Trent said.

"What's happening?" Rebecca asked.

"Zach, Jayden, get Rebecca awat from here now!" Trent ordered them to do.

"Let's go, Rebecca." Zach said.

"NO! I wouldn't go with you two! Not until you all tell me what's going on!" Rebecca said.

"Rebecca, we'll tell you after this mess is all cleared up, okay?" Trent said and before she could protest again, he smashed his lips onto her and savoured the warmth of her mouth on his.

"Oh here we go again..." Jayden said.

"I love you Rebecca." Trent told her.

"I love you too Trent." Rebecca replied and then she got off from the bed and then went to Jayden and Zach and then the three of them left.

"Luke! Wake up!" Trent said and Luke opened his eyes.

"We need to go now." He said.

"Huh? Why? What's happening?" Luke asked.

"The Plutonians are here! They're coming for you!" Trent answered and then Luke quickly got up and then together, they left the tent.

"Wait, where's Uncle Will?" Luke asked.

"Oh shit." Trent said as they stopped running and turned around.

Luke used his sharp hearing and heard desperate moans from his left side but the thing is thay he couldn't find exactly where on the left the moaning was coming from. He concentrated on looking around until his vision turned into a dark-blue and white, like an x-ray vision, and say two skeletons inside the big abandoned vault located with the other useless junk and they were tied and gagged up. And then his vision is now back to normal.

"I think I know now where Uncle Will is." Luke said firmly.


Oh no! The Plutonians are here again for Luke! What could they be planning to do to him? Last time, they tried to kill him... Could it be the same reason up to now?

Is Julian still alive?

What happened to Emmarie?

Where did Ara go?

Where's William and Katelyn?

What is this Luke's new power?

Stay tuned to find out!


Louise :) xx

2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ