"Work was fine Mawa, I'm fine don't worry I'm still fit as a fiddle. Anyways how are you Mawa?. I hope Ethan is not being any trouble to you", I asked her.

"Oh not at all, on the contrary he has been a real sweat heart . He keeps helping me around here and there and doesn't trouble me at all.", she answered with a chuckle.

"Well Mawa I love the weather out here but I would love it more if I could come inside, If you wish to let your sweet little granddaughter in though", I teased her knowing that she forgot to let me in because she was busy asking how I was.

"Oh dear, come on in. I made some chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate, you better stay here and spend some quality time with your Mawa, these days you don't even visit anymore", She said while trying to give me a sad look. Well now I got to know where I learned that look from. 

"My sweet dear Mawa, I'm sorry. I have a hard schedule to maintain, juggling college and work together is really tiring but I promise to visit you more often if time allows, okay?.", I tell her. We talk a little bit more and just finished our conversation when Ethan emerged from the back door with mud all over his clothes and shoes. I gasped and ran towards him.

"Ethan!, what happened to you?. Did you fall into a puddle?. Are you okay", I asked him worriedly. He had mud on his hair and all over his face too.

"I'm okay Katy. I was talking to Timmy who lives next door and when I was coming back here my leg slipped and I fell on the mud", he said looking innocent, too innocent if you ask me. I narrowed my eyes at him and when Mawa wasn't looking he smirked at me and composed himself when Mawa came near him. He is such a naughty rug rat but I'll let him off the hook, this time.



"I want these files copied and faxed to Mr Arron right this instant and send John inside my office now", I growled at my so called secretary. She scrambled clumsily before getting out of my office to do her given tasks. I sighed out loud. I really need to find a perfect secretary who takes work seriously and not throw herself at me. I close my eyes and ran my hand through my hair. I opened them just in time to see John walking inside.

"Whats up with you, man you look like hell", he said to me while making himself comfortable on the sofa. I rolled my eyes at him and gulped down the last of my coffee.

"I swear if you weren't my best friend and business partner, I would have fired you so long ago.", I told him while he just grins back at me.  

"Should we proceed with the work in hand now your highness", I asked him sarcastically. He raised his eyebrow at me but followed me nonetheless. 

"Too much coffee is bad for your health man, it brings out the sarcastic side of you and probably you need to get laid. When was the last time you took a day off?, Last Christmas?!", He complains like how a mad wife will react. 

"You nag me more than my flings did. Are you sure your straight ?.", I asked him and cut him off just when he was about to talk.  " Let's just get this over with so I can go to sleep and recover my strength back", I told him tiredly while he just nods back at me. 

We work for about three more hours then called it a day. The sky was almost dark when I walked out of the office. I got in my car and drove back home. Since dad died I have been living by myself. My mom remarried again despite the fact that dad had passed away not long ago. I knew she just married him for his wealth but dad just loved her blindly.

I am the only child in my family and the only heir to my father's company, which I run now. Though I manage the office well, it just seems lonely without dad walking in and cracking some poor jokes with me. It just seemed like yesterday me and dad were having our father - son moment and now everything is gone. 

I reached home and handed the keys to the valet to park the car back to its place. I took a shower then went inside my personal workshop. It is the only place which keeps me sane and calms my mind. No one knew about the workshop not even John but dad knew because it was our little hangout place

I sighed,  tomorrow the lawyer is going to reveal dad's will to us. I wasn't ready to listen to it , since the day he died I have been avoiding it but tomorrow I will have to. I never disagreed with my dad nor complained with his decisions. I will do whatever he wanted me to do, that is the least thing I can do for him.

I stayed inside the workshop for a while then headed to my room to catch up with my sleep.


Here's the first chapter of my new book.. please vote, comment and fan, feel free to give me your opinions..

Pic of Kathryne on the side >>>>>>



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