Chapter 7

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Zayn's POV

I'm a liar, a huge good for nothing liar, I told my dad and uncles that I would not do it but I did. Last night exactly, I was getting the thoughts about how horrible I was and I just could not sleep. I got up and went to the bathroom and threw up all of the contents in my stomach, I normally only threw up once, but I did it three times until I was just dry heaving and nothing was coming out.

I sat down in my bed as I remembered the thoughts of last night, I know I should be disappointed but I wasn't. I didn't feel anything except relief.

"Zayn! Breakfast!"

I walked downstairs where everyone was sitting down, I sat in between Uncle Louis and Uncle Niall and looked down at the food on my plate. There was a bowl with strawberries and whipped cream, eggs, and three waffles, I gulped before I took a small bite of a waffle and I immediately felt sick. I managed to eat a full waffle, half the eggs, and scrape the whipped cream off the strawberries and eat all of the strawberries without anybody noticing.

"Daddy what are we doing today?"

"Um not much just hanging around mostly, I think me and Uncle Lou are going to go look at new patio furniture."

I nodded and cleared my plate and washed it then went to my room and started to play games on my phone until I got the urge again. I ran to the bathroom and puked as much as I could, I went to stand up when everything started to blur and I fell to the floor letting darkness flood over me.

Harry's POV

I'm a liar, a huge good for nothing liar, me and Louis weren't really going to look at patio furniture. Me and Louis have been going out for a couple weeks now and today we were going to have alone time. I felt horrible not telling Zayn or the boys but me and Louis need to keep this as secret as possible until we're ready to let everyone know.

I was waiting in the car when Louis came out of  the house and got into the car and smiled at me, I smiled back and leaned over giving him a quick kiss.

"Hi handsome," I said.

"Right back at you," he said while turning a deep shade of red.

"Well let's get going! We can get lunch and then go shopping for a bit."

"Sounds good to me."

We drove for about twenty minutes before we reached a small outdoor cafe that me and Louis go to all the time. I got out of the car and then opened the door for him, took his hand, and we walked over to the our usual spot in front of the mini fountain and sat down.

"Hello my name is Jackson and I will be your server today, can I get you something to drink?" The waiter asked when he arrived at our table.

"I'll have coke," I said.

"Sprite for me please," Lou said.

The waiter nodded and left leaving me and Louis, I leaned over and held his hand under the table and smiled. It sucks that we can't hold  hands, kiss, or do anything romantic in public without having the fear of paparazzi being around.

"Happy two week anniversary," I smiled at him.

"Happy two week anniversary," he said laughing.

We have always had this joke where we make fun of the things cheesy couples do, like acknowledging every single anniversary.

"Haz, when are we gonna tell the boys and Zayn? I mean once we at least tell them and family we won't have to hide in our own home."

"I know what you mean, I want to tell them too but I just don't know how, I just don't want Zayn to think I won't have time for him anymore, it's killing me not telling anyone."

"Don't worry Harry, it's okay, we will figure it out, together."

We finished our lunch and we're now just walking around the outdoor mall down the street, we managed to find a photo booth and took some pictures of us kissing and may or may not have had a secret make out session in there. I folded the photo strip and put it in my wallet and we were on our way just walking around until we decided to go home.

Zayn's POV

I woke up to see I was on my bathroom floor with dried throw up around my mouth. I rinsed out my mouth with mouthwash and cleaned my face, and then flushed the throw up that was in the toilet.

I walked downstairs and just in time because Uncle Lou and dad had just arrived home, I smiled and walked over.

"Hey Zee, how are you? Did you take a nap? You look tired," Dad asked.

I nodded and walked into his arms then gave Uncle Louis a hug too. I was worried about fainting in front of them so I walked over to the fridge and ate ten grapes and drank a water bottle. It killed me to do that but I had to keep myself alive too.

"Did you find anything at the store Daddy?" I asked.

"No we didn't, we wanted something green but they mostly had blue and yellow stuff," he said.

Something seemed off, he's probably on his period, that's something Uncle Niall always says.

"Are you okay Daddy?"

"Me? Oh yea, pfft, I'm fine," he rushed.

"Are you on your period?"

He looked at me like I was crazy and Uncle Louis started laughing, I could hear Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall laughing from the other room.

"Zayn what are you talking about? A period is only for girls, where did you hear that?" Uncle Louis asked.

"I hear Uncle Niall say that all the time about daddy."

"Niall!" Dad yelled.

"Hey leave me out of this! I'm entitled to freedom of speech!" Uncle Niall said.

"Daddy, what even is a period?"

"That's not a topic for today buddy, new topic what do you want for dinner tonight?"

"I'm gonna pass and just have a big breakfast tomorrow."

"Zayn, you need to eat," dad said sternly.

"Daddy, I promise, it's okay."

"Okay fine, we will just order pizzas later then."

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