Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

It's been a week since I've met Elena and she has been here almost everyday and slept over most nights, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't hate my guts. I always make sure I'm near one of the boys if she is over, but today she is supposed to babysit me for an hour while the boys go to a last minute emergency meeting for social media rumors.

"Okay Zee, we have to leave now, will you be okay?" Harry asked.


"Ok, now cmon, time for hugs!"

I smiled and went up to each of the boys giving them huge hug that all of them returned, although Liam almost squished me to death. They walked out the door leaving me and Elena, I turned around and she rolled her eyes and went to sit on the couch, she sat down and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking them.

"Um, Elena, Do you mind going outside with that? I have asthma."

"Hold your breath."

I started coughing so I went upstairs and closed my door and grabbed my inhaler from my bag and quickly got a puff from it, allowing me to breathe. I sat there for fifteen minutes doing nothing when Elena called me down.

"Yes?" I asked as I made my way downstairs.

"I need you to do all this laundry."

"But I-"

I was cutoff by ten slaps to the face making tears fall from my eyes.

"I don't care about excuses, start the laundry!"

I whimpered and made my way over to the two huge baskets of laundry and started to drag them to the laundry room when one of the baskets tipped over and the laundry went everywhere.

"What the hell you dumb fuck! This laundry better be done by the time Harry gets back or else next time there will be more!"

I nodded and quickly picked it up and got the baskets into the laundry room, It took three different washing mashies but I finally got all of the clothes on and walked back to the kitchen and only a half hour had passed. Harry wouldn't be back for another two hours!

"Zayn! Go clean my bathroom!"

"I just finished the laundry."

"I said go!"

She kicked me twice making me fall on my ankle, I stood up to walk on it but it hurt so bad that I had to scream in pain earning another slap on the face.


I got up and walked slowly and painfully to the upstairs bathroom in the guest room and started to clean it. By the time I finished I heard a door close and then looked out the window and I saw Elena's car pulling out of the driveway and Harry's car was here. I smiled and got downstairs as fast as I could with a hurt foot and limped to the kitchen where all of the boys were. When I walked in I was met with an angry face that made me a bit confused.

"Zayn, why did you give Elena a hard time?"

Oh, I guess Harry wanted me to do the laundry and clean the bathroom,now I feel bad because I guess I did give her a hard time.

"I'm sorry."

"Do you have a reason?"


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