Chapter 5: We Need To Link Up

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Jordin POV

I had woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face. Mykell's head had was rested on my chest, asleep. I looked over and Lissa was laying on her Daddy's chest, sleeping peacefully. I smiled I have a beautiful family. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Mommy?" Lissa said.

My head snapped over in her direction. "Yes baby?"

"You cook?"

"Yes. You wanna cook breakfast for Daddy and Mykell?"

She shook her head.

"Okay well you gotta be quiet okay? We can't wake them up before the food is done." I whispered.

"Okay Mommy. I sshhh." Lissa put her small finger to her lips and giggled.

I chuckled at her. Slowly I eased Mykell off my chest and Lissa slowly slid off of August's onto the floor. I grabbed her hand and we tip-toed down to the kitchen.

"Okay Lissa. What are we gonna make?" I asked her.

"Um waffle? Egg? An' fuit?"

I chuckled to myself. She gon have her Daddy's accent. Especially with that 'fuit' thing she just did instead of 'fruit'. It was cute tho.

"Okay get the stuff we need."

She did as she was told. She grabbed the waffle mix, fruit and eggs. As I grabbed the waffle maker, bowl, spoon and plates. She poured the mix in the bowl, I added the water and I let Lissa stir it.

"Make sure you get it from around the edges too."

"Okay Mommy." She said. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. My baby was so beautiful but she take after her Daddy big foreheaded ass. My phone rang, I looked over and saw an unknown number. I stopped Lissa and walked to the dining room. I looked at the number again being sure that I didnt recognize it, I didn't. I raised an eyebrow but answered anyway.

Unknown: Hello?

Me: Yes?

Unknown: This is Jo right?

Me: Yes this is she. Who is this?

Unknown: Its me girl. Its Aaleeyah!

Me: Hold on. Aaleeyah Petty?

Unknown: Yea!

Me: OMG I haven't heard from you in forever! How've you been?

Unknown: Girl great! I just bought a new house in the 'A'. How about you?

Me: Really? You movin back here? And good.

Unknown: Girl yass! California is doin #teamtomuch right now for Ms. Petty.

Me: *laughs* Girl you are to much!

"Mommy?!" Alissa called.

"Just a second baby!" I called back.

Me: Girl I gotta go. But we need to link up soon. Catch up.

Unknown: Mos' definitely we need to. Just let me know when you free.

Me: You know I will. Bye LeLe!

Unknown: Bye Jo!

I walked back to Lissa in the kitchen. She was tapping her foot with her hands on her hips.

"Why you lookin at me like that Lissa?" I placed my hands my hips.

"We gots to make bweakfast."

I chuckled, "Okay baby."

After making breakfast...

"I go wake Daddy an' bruder?" She asked.

"How bout we both go wake them?" I said. She nodded her head and walked back up the stairs to Me and August's room. I pointed over at Mykell for Alissa to wake him up.


He stirred and flipped over.

I pecked his lips. He stirred. I pecked them again this time slowly. He kissed them back grabbing my face. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at up me.

I smiled back at him. "Breakfast is ready."

"Okay." Aug smiled pecking my lips once more.

"Mykell! Get up! Or I eat you food!" Alissa yelled.

"Go 'way!" Mykell said. His voice muffled in the pillow.

"Fine den. I eat you food." She walked off downstairs. Me and Aug laughed. These kids man.😂

Ciara POV

Chris took Junior to the studio today. So I was laid up at home by myself. I was scrolling on my phone and something watching tv. Then somebody knocked on my door. I got up and answered the door.

"Damn nigga! You stalkin me too?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at me. "You ain't gon invite me in?"

"For what? I told you to lose my number and fix your own shidd. I'm done with helping you." I scoffed.

"You wouldn't oh husband dearest to find out the truth? Now would you?" He shot me a sinister smiled.

"You ain't shidd Trevor. You ain't nothin but gotdamn snake in the grass. I'll tell him myself."

"Oh I'm the snake? I ain't shidd? But which one of us is living in a lie?"

I bit my lip and looked down at the ground.

"Mmhmm. Thats what I thought. Just remember. I know your secret. You can't rid of me, Baby Mama." He smirked and walked off my door step. I clenched my jaw and slammed the door.

I walked back in the living room and rested my face in my hands. I'm mixed up in some real twisted shidd.

Questions? Thoughts? Comments? Confusion?😕 Votes?😊

Excuse mistakes. Much love.😘💋


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