Chapter 4: Shawty Can Get It

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Trey POV

"Thank you Mr. Songz!!" The girl cheesed.

I chuckled, "No problem lil Mama." I handed her back her book and pen.

Even in the grocery stores I can't escape screaming females. I mean damn! Is'a nigga that fine? I pulled out my phone to check it. I never have the sound on. Its always on vibrate like my phone is always goin off so after awhile the ringtone gets annoying. Texting back some people and answering follow requests or shout outs, I bumped into someone.

"Oh shidd! I'm so sorry!" I said looking up at her. And I wish I wouldn't have done that this girl... is fine as hell! Like shawty can get it anytime. Anywhere. She was bad. Light-skinned. Long brown hair in a low ponytail. She had on a white shirt and gray Adidas sweatpants. And some gray Jordan's. She was thick wit it. Like no lie. Damn!

"Naw it's my fault

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"Naw it's my fault. I'm sorry."

"Naw I was into my phone and wasn't paying attention...." I trailed tryna get the name and the digits 'fore I left this aisle.

"Oh Aaleeyah. Aaleeyah Petty." She smiled.

"Its nice to meet you Ms. Aaleeyah Petty." I shook her hand.

"You too." She began to walk off. I couldn't help but look at her ass. I mean damn. Milk does do a body good.👅

"Wait!" I jogged after her and she stopped, looking at me.

"Can I get yo number?" I asked with a smile.

"I don't think so." She answered.

"Why not?" I cocked an eyebrow. This was new. I haven't ever been rejected before.

"I don't date celebrities."

"Well I'm not your typical celebrity."

"Thats what they always say. I'm sorry but no." And with that she switched her voluptuous hips down to the next aisle.

Back at home...
Tyga POV

I knocked on Draya's door waiting for an answer. She got my mind all rattled by this pregnant thing. I mean as much as she hoes around, how she know it's mine? I don't know man. This shidd seem a lil suspect. But I'm finna find out.

Finally she answers with a pink colored type shirt and short shorts that had her ass hanging out. I admit she looks good but I ain't come here for no quick nut.

 I admit she looks good but I ain't come here for no quick nut

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"I knew you'd come by baby." She smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"Don't do that." I pushed passed her and invited myself in.

She closed the door and walked in behind me. I sat down on the couch and she did the same. It was quiet. To quiet for my liking.

"How you know it's mine?" I asked her breaking the silence.

"Your were the last one I fucked wit." She answered.

"But I was wearin a condom soo..."

"Yea but it broke remember."

I smacked my forehead. It sholl did. I can't believe this shidd. But she could still be lyin like about me bein the last person she fucked with.

"Look dude. Don't try and make up no lies just to trap me. Like I have a wife and a daughter to look after also. Don't try and fuck up nothing for me. I'll try to make it work. But I aint with that baby mama drama shidd. So if you want me around for this thang don't be on no bullshidd." I told her.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Look I'm goin upstairs to take a shower. You can let yourself out." Draya strutted upstairs flipping her hair. I don't know why she tryna flip it like it's hers.

So long overdue update!! And I'm so sorry for that. But I'm tryna get back into the feel of this book.

Votes? Comments? Questions? Thoughts?

Excuse mistakes. Much love.😘💋


Cant Stop Loving You *Book 3*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant