"Wait! You're not gonna leave me are you?" He asks a little scared.

"I will NEVER leave you." I say kissing him on the cheek. With that, I put my hand on the tree and look up to see apples, bananas, and oranges growing from it. I know what you're wondering, how can one tree grow three different kinds of fruits. Well that's the benefit of being the fairy princess.

"Ok Zeek, get up there and pluck some fruits."

"What, why?"

"Because you're the male. It's your job to do the climbing. I mean unless you want me to climb in a DRESS that people could possibly look up." I say going over to the tree getting ready to climb...

"NO! I'll do it." He says while he comes over and climbs, I'm at the bottom smirking. Haha that was too easy. "Alright I'm up. Get ready to catch."

"Ok!" I say.

As he starts dropping them he just realized that I don't have a basket. "Wait what are you gonna carry them in?"

"Don't worry, I got a plan."

"Alright." So he keeps dropping and when my hands are full, I use my dress as a basket. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"I'm using my dress as a basket." I say.

"PUT IT DOWN!" He hollars.

"Now come on, you can see the shorts. See." I tell him, showing him my shorts.

"Alright, I guess that's o..." Gibe it a few seconds... "YOU'RE WEARING SHORTS?!" Ahhh there it is.

"Yes why do you ask." I say.

"You said that you didn't wanna climb because people could see up your dress."

"Yes they can see up my dress. They would only see shorts though."

"You played me."

"That I did my great mate." I say laughing. "Ok that's enough fruit, let's head back." I tell him and he starts climbing down as I start walking back to the pack house.

"Hey, wait up." He calls after me so I stop and when he gets up to me, he puts his arm around my shoulder. And then we continue our way back to the kitchen.

"Hey we're back with more fruits." I call out.

"Wow, these look so good!" Lucy beams.

"Why thank you." I say. After a while the food is done so we go sit in the dining room. "Wow this is huge!" I comment as we walk in. We get there and Zeek pulls a chair out for me to sit in. "Thank you my kind sir. You're such a gentleman." I say in a fake british accent, which sounds horrible because I'm not good at impressions.

"You're welcome my fine lady." Zeek replys in the same british accent, again not that great so we all start to laugh.

As we begin to eat, "What the fuck is this bitch doing here with my mate?!" I know that voice.

"Go away Tammie." Lucy says exasperated.

"I wanna know why she's in my seat."

"First of all it is not YOUR seat. Second I am NOT your mate. And third just shut up." Zeek says getting red in the face, wow he's getting angry so I put my hand on his thigh to calm him down and it worked because he puts his hand over mine.

I sigh.. 'Evie can you help, I'm exhausted from growing the fruits. It's been a while since I've had to do that.'

'Sure will. I've always wanted to beat her ass now I have an excuse to.' She links me. Ya gotta love her.

"Listen bitch why don't you just leave before I beat your ass." Evie tells her and Derrick looks at her with wide eyes. Guess he didn't know Evie can be a crazy bitch.

"EXCUSE ME! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO BITCH!" And she just kept yelling insults at Evie.

"ENOUGH!!!!" I say and throw my hand in her direction so and wind threw her against the wall and then vines sprout from the ground up through the floor boards wrapping around her pinning her to the wall. They wrap all up her body and starts sprouting thorns beginning at her feet that are touching her skin but not sticking her yet.

"Anna, you gotta calm down." Someone says not sure who, I'm too far gone.

"I just wanted her to shut up and she didn't so I'll make sure she doesn't make another sound again."

"Zeek, you gotta calm her down. She can't sense who's who anymore and if she keeps going she's gonna end up killing Tammie. I mean I'm not totally against it but I don't think the pack would like it if they learn that their future luna killed a pack member."

"You're right. Anna, baby I need you to calm down. Come on baby calm down for me." He says to me while massaging my shoulders and whispering sweet things in my ear. Eventually I was able to calm down. Once I do I pass out but I feel my mate catch me and pick me up in his arms then I fall into unconsciousness.

Blind MateWhere stories live. Discover now