Chapter 21

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Amya's POV

It's been a few days since I've seen Soul or (Y/n) in school. I hope they are okay. Maka comes every day but she doesn't say anything about them. She doesn't even talk to anyone.

"Hey Amya." Blackstar walked up behind me and put his arm around me. We have gotten closer since those two left. And I think I kind of like it this way.

"Hey Blackstar! How was the mission with Tsubaki last night?" I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"It went fine. Tsubaki is with Akihiko."Akihiko (ah-key-he-koe) is my weapon. He is a very nice guy. He gives me my own personal space... then again he still lives when his parents and I live alone. And his parents won't let him move in with me... but I'm cool with it.

"Heard anything from Soul lately?" I asked, sounding concerned. Neither of them have been answering my calls or texts so I was beginning to worry if something bad happened.

"Nah. And (Y/N) won't answer Tsubaki's calls or texts. I'm starting to get worried." He looked to the ground. He let go of my hand and removed his arm from my shoulder, grabbing my other hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Well maybe if Maka is here we could ask if we could visit tonight. Since it is Friday." I look at him. He began to smile and let go of my hand, beginning to walk to his class which is on the other side of the school.

"Yeah. I'll ask her right now." And he dashed away. While I was watching him, I just so happened to bump into someone while I wasn't paying attention.

"Watch where you are going freak."


It was Monday. The first day back from the weekend break. I had a fun weekend watching my favorite TV Shows. (When I talk about 'TV Shows' I mean other animes.) Like my current favorite Ouran High School Host Club. They had a meet and greet in town later today and I was excited. I finally get to meet Hikaru and Kaoru!

I walk in the building as I normally do, but something seemed off. Everyone was staring at me. Mainly the meisters. They began to whisper to each other as I walked up to Akihiko.

"Hey bud! How's it goin'?" I ask, trying to use a weird accent.

"Do I know you?" He asked pretending like he didn't care about who I was.

"Dude. You're my weapon."

"No I'm not." And he walked away. While he walked away I heard people whispering behind me.

"What meister can use soul protect?"

'What?!' I said to myself. I ran to the death room as fast as I could. I accidentally bumped into a tall meister. I bowed in apology.

"Don't bow to him, freak." Said the girl standing next to him. She had blue hair that was in a very long pony tail with strait across bangs.

"Yeah, freak." Another girl that looked exactly like her but with pink hair stood beside her.

"Maybe you shouldn't be here. If you're not careful, I cut your throat open and steal your soul." And the just... walked away. Like nothing even happened. I ran into the bathroom, ignoring my previous destination.

I sat in there for about 15 minutes before I heard someone rush in.

"AMYA!" It was Blackstar. I huddled into the corner stall, hiding my face in my hands.

"Just go in there Blackstar!" Tsubaki yelled.

"I can't..."

"And why not!"

"Because it's the girls bathroom! And if anyone seen a star like me going in there they may think something is up!"

"No one is going to see you now go." I heard foot steps and the door of the stall creak open. I looked up to see Blackstar with a tear-stained face.

"A-Amya?" He stuttered.

"Go away. A star like you shouldn't be seen with a freak." I mocked him, being angry at the world.

"C'Mon now Amya. Cheer up. You're not a freak. So what you were using Soul Protect. That just mean you're special," He knelt down beside me and took my hand, "I already knew that."


I smiled and walked into class. I saw Blackstar sitting on a desk on the other side of the room talking to a few of his 'admirers'.

"Yeah. She's great. But I just think you could do better..." A girl with long, blonde hair and a short black dress with a Victorian style to it stood in front of him. She seemed to have a thing for him, which made me angry. I'm assuming Blackstar could since my anger and immediately got squeamish.

"How could I get better than her? She's the best thing that's happened to me." Blackstar stood up off of her desk and walked in the direction of our desk. We sat in the middle in a big group with all of our friends but... unfortunately our area had been invaded by Soul-loving freaks. Blackstar quickly shoo-ed them away.

"Why are there so many today..." I mumbled to Blackstar, who could just barley hear me.

"I'm assuming they heard the good news." I looked at him confused. What good news? (Y/n) hadn't told me any good news... then again... she hasn't texted me for months... I missed her a lot.

"What good news?" Blackstar looked towards the doorway. I turned around to see (Y/n) and Soul standing together, Soul had his arm around (Y/n)'s neck and they were holding their hands together. The girls began to fan-girl and made space for everyone to sit.

"(Y/N)!!!" I ran down to her and hugged her, jumping into her arms.

"Easy there killer. It's not like I was never coming back." We broke apart to Spirits voice over the intercom.

"Would Soul and (Y/n) please report to room 286 please. Thank you." Soul and (Y/n) looked at each other nervously. Soul kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand.

"We will be back..." He paused, "Hopefully."



... I've been obsessed with Undertale lately (it took me like an hour to remember the fucking name because I wanted to call the name Papyrus for some fucking reason.... IM SO SORRY!!! DUNT YELL AT MEEEHHH).

I hope you enjoyed anyways! Once again I made it semi-longer than usual just for your enjoyment.


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