Chapter 12

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Maka's POV

'Why... Why did she risk herself for us...?'

As we run through the halls of Stein's lab. We find Steins office and bust in.


"(Y/n)!!!!" Soul yells as he runs up to the girl tied up in the corner. He starts untieing her as Stein walks in.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" He says as my good-for-nothing father walks up behind him.

"What do you thing YOU'RE doing keeping (Y/n) captive!!!" Soul screams, standing between (Y/N) and Stein.

"That's what we were told to do." Stein replies in his usual monotone voice.

"By who!?" Soul screams, transforming his arm into a Scythe blade.

"By me." A witch appears in front of me, Aimi on her shoulder. "They are all under my control. And soon, you will be too." Spirit transforms into his Death Scythe form as Stein charges towards me. I dodge. Jumping over to Soul.

"Soul! Transform! We have to keep them away from (Y/n) at all costs!"

"Right!" He instantly appears in my hands.

"Are you able to hold two?" He questions.

"What?? Two what ,Soul!"

"Two scythes. (Y/N) and I have been practicing Soul Resonance together and I know we can do this."

"I-I'm not sure..."

"Don't give me that. You know you can. I know you can."

"Alright. Let's do this! (Y/N)! Transform!" She stands, looking confused, and transforms into her Scythe, appearing in my other hand.

'It isn't burning my hand...'

"I told you you could! Now we need to take Aimi back. We need to do out strongest attack."

"Right! Let's go Soul Resonance!!" We all start yelling.

(Y/N) and Soul start resonating together. And when I say 'resonating together' I mean TOGETHER.

"What are they doing!?" Yelled the unnamed witch.

"Resonating. Into one." Stein replys, slightly surprised. "Usually only three star Meister's and weapons can do this. And (Y/n) has only been here for a few months and Maka and Soul are only one star Meister and weapon..." He replies again, in his monotone controlled voice.

Soul and (Y/N) resonate into a two bladed Scythe. One end was Souls blade, and the other was (Y/N)'s.

"Maka! Let go!!" I start yelling. I run towards the witch, slicing her in two, leaving Aimi, Spirit and Stein in one piece. The witch evaporates right as Aimi wakes up.

"S-Soul...?" Aimi says, looking at the two bladed scythe.

"Aimi!" (Y/N) changes back to her human form, causing Soul to do the same. She runs up to Aimi and hugs her tightly.

"Where have you been...?" Aimi asked, weakly.

"In a very bad place... but I'm okay now.."

"So what was going on Maka?" Soul asked me.

"The witch was controlling Professor Stein. As well as my father. They must have trapped her here for the witch... which we just slayed." I stayed, slowly getting quieter when I said witch.

"Oh, is Soul going to devoure the soul?"

"No. I think (Y/n) should have it." He said, smiling at her.

"What witch soul?" (Y/N) replied, bluntly. "There's no soul in this room." I look around.

'I could have sworn there was a soul in here.'

"It must have been a decoy." (Y/N) bluntly replays again.

"Must have been." I say suspicious. I take a look at her soul. It's still surrounded in darkness. But it has just gotten worse.

'The witch isn't dead.'


Hehhehe.... I love writing cliffhangers!!! They make me want to write more which is good for you guys because that means I'll never get bored with it.


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