Chapter 17

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"Hi! Im Amya!!" A girl stood in the front of the class. Must be new "Nice to meet everyone!" She skips over to the only empty seat left in the class. it was between you and Blackstar. Blackstar blushed when she sat down, causing you to giggle.

"Whats so funny Miss (L/N)?" Stein asked.

"Nothing sir." You say, holding in your laughter.

"Hi. Im (Y/N)." You say, trying to act cool, "And this is my boyfriend Soul, his meister Maka ours friends Tsubaki, Blackstar, Death the Kid and his weapons Liz and Patti." Blackstar blushed harder when you said his name.

"Im Amya. Pleased to meet you all." She says, a slight blush on her face.

"Class. Can I please get your attention back to the front and off of Miss (L/N) for one second."

"Like anyone would want to look at her." You heard whispers and laughing from behind you. You turned around to see Kenzie sitting right above Soul, and her friends surrounding her.

"Oh Soul! Why dont you ditch that worthless weapon and come join us." You look at Soul with your death glare and turn your finger into a miniture blade. "C'mon Soul... we all know you cant resist a girl with a big rack." She flashes her clevage his direction, and to your surprise he didnt get a nose bleed.

"Just leave them alone, fucking bitch." Amya said, looking her dead in the eye.

"Excuse me, newbie, but you probably shouldn't be talking to me like that. Just ask Miss (L/N) what happens when you talk back to me." You loose control. Your brain says to let her say it. But her heart tells you to fight.

"Im sorry, but I remember Mr.Uni breaking us apart before the real fun started."

'What am I saying?!?!?'

"Fine then. Lets do this." She grins. You conjer up your scythe again, holding it in your hand. Her weapon partner transforms and she holds her firmly.

'I don't want to fight!!' Another voice enters your thoughts, telling you what to do.

'Fight her. Protect the one you love.'

You lose control of your limbs as you lunge towards Kenzie. She jumps away, next to Soul. She forces him into a kiss. This enrages you.


Metal clashes against metal as you feel her weakening.

"Soul Resonance!" She demands. Her and her weapon being to resonate. Her weapon becomes larger in an attempt to scare you.

"Ahh!!" She swings her partner towards you, expecting you to get hit. But instead, you catch her blade, throwing it out of her reach.

"Lets dance..." You say in a deep, raspy voice. You corner her, puting the blade of your conjered scythe against her throat.

"(Y/N)!!! NO!!!" Soul and Amya yell. But you already blocked out all your sences. You cant hear, see, or feel.

With one swift movement of your wrist her head tumbles onto the floor, lifeless. You collapse onto the ground out of pure exsustion. Not yet unconious, you feel someone pick you up and speed away. Probably to the infermery. With the comfort of their grasp, you fall asleep in their arms.


Dun dun dun!!!!!! Btw the character Amya
is actually one of my best friends (photo above). She is the one who got me to watch Soul Eater so you can thank her for my love of Soul! Her wattpad is  so go check her stories out! I think she has a few Walking Dead fan fictions.

Sorry if this kind of sucked but I wrote it on the bus ride home.

Thanks anyways for reading and enjoying for this long!


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