Chapter 8

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Get away from her!!

Your fathers words and the, ever so, realistic feeling of your blood rushing down your chest was felt through the rest of the day. All you could do was sit around and ponder whiether or not the dream actually ment something.

"Miss (L/N)." Professor Stein seemed slightly angered with you. You glanced down to see that you were grasping your neck lie it had been sliced into.

"Sorry about her behavior Stein. She came to school acting like this and no one seems to know why but her. She wont even tell anyone." You glance beside you to see a very concered albino speaking on your behaf.

"Alright... so back to the topic on hand." He continues rambling on about different disections he was going to do for the rest of the week.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" Aimi asked, in a hushed tone. "You haven't been yourself at all today..."

"I-I'm fine... it's nothing... just the dream I had last night kinda freaked me out..." You suddenly feel a warm stern, yet kind hand rub against your thigh. You look over to see Soul stairing forward with a a blank expression, as he always did. But his face showed worry. Like he was worried about you.

"You're telling me about that dream when we get home..." She demanded. I have to admit, she can be very... protective. I remember when we went on our first mission as students of the DWMA. Thats when this all started. She stopped drinking and smoking. Instead, she trained non stop.


"Are you ready?!" Aimi yelled to the kishin in front of her.

"(Y/N)! Transform!" You change into your (f/c) scythe form. Your blade was almost the same as Souls, the only difference was that instead of a zig-zag line. It was strait (refrance above). You glow (f/c) as Aimi tosses you in the air. She catches you in scythe form flips you around her arms.

"You've met with a terrible fate, havent you?" She questions the kishin as she attempted to slice it in half. But, to her unvail, the kishin shocked her through you.

She tossed you about 15 feet in the opposite direction of herself, leaving her defenceless.

"You shouldn't be so cocky..." the kishin taunted. He lifted his arm, attempting to slice her in two. But, luckily you were in track at your old school. Before moving to Death City. You dash to your meisters side, taking the blow to your scythe blade and your stomach, but mainly your stomach.

"(Y/N)!!!" She screams.

"I-Im fi-ine... le-ets do t-this..." You transform into your scythe form, but this time you were bloody.

Aimi's hands began so shake with rage.

"You hurt my friend... NOW YOU PAY!!" She lunges towards the kishin, twisting her way through his skin, and leaving out of his back, spine in hand. The kishin falls to the ground, his body disinigrates into the air. A red soul imerges into the area in front of you. You transform back into your human body and limp close to it, consuming the soul.

"Ughh..." You groan, holding your stomach that was still bleeding.

"Hey! Aimi! (Y/N)! That was amazing!" You glance up to see Maka and Soul standing on top of a near by building. Maka jumps down and runs to you Soul following behind. "Woah! (Y/N)! You're hurt bad! Lets get you to the-" Before Maka could finish, Aimi had you in her arms, running down the street.

"Im sorry (y/n)... I'll never let this happen again."

~End Flashback~

The school bell rings, it was finally the end of the school day. You walk out the door to the normal place where you, Maka, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Aimi, Kid, Liz, Patti and Soul meet. But, on your way there you hear cries and harmful words.

"Who would want you as a weapon. A pack of ninja stars is nothing compaired to a katana like me." You run around the corner, igoring your friends calling your name. You see a small girl, being kicked and punched by a large group of boys a couple years older than yourself. Thn you black out.


I hope you liked it!!! The next chapter will be in Makas POV.


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