Chaper 11

703 26 1

Soul's POV

'Its been a month...'

I haven't seen (Y/n) since that day... But I'll be fine. I've gotta act cool. For Maka and the gang.

I decided to hang in my room for the day. I'm sure why, but ever since (Y/N) left the DWMA... I haven't really wanted you go. I know I should be studying with Maka and Blackstar. I just don't have the energy to do anything anymore.


I woke up with a crick in my neck and (Y/N) laying beside me, bleeding from her shoulder.

"(Y-Y/N)?" I asked, whispering as not to bother Maka who was asleep in the other bed.

She didn't wake up. But Maka did.

"Soul! You're finally awake!" Her restless eyes and knotted hair made her look likes she hadn't slept in weeks.

"Maka, why isn't she waking up... and why is she in my bed...?"

Maka looked towards the ground, a single tear fell to he ground.

"D-Dont cry Maka..."

"She has terrible nightmares... she would wake up screaming... and refused to go back to sleep. The only place we found that she didn't have nightmares was with you..." Maka looked at me, smiling. "She's been sleeping ever since."

"But why are we here?"

"When (Y/n) went insane, she cut into your shoulder with her blade. About a week later she woke up for the first time. She did something no normal person can do. She took your cut from you and put it on herself. You've been asleep for 3 weeks. During the 2nd week is when she started having the nightmares. And we just moved her into your bed this morning." I was shocked. How could someone be so kind to someone like me. It's not like I'm special. I'm not any different from Blackstar and Kid. Well... I'm not a star clan member or Lord Deaths son so I guess that's one way.

"S-Soul..." She mumbles. Maka motions for me to lay back down and I do so. She wraps her arm around me and lays her leg across me.

"I'll never leave you..."


I sign "Never leave me, huh?"

"Soul! I'm home! And I brought someone!"

"K..." I really don't care. Maka has had friends over a lot since (Y/N) left... its probably just Tsubaki.


I continue playing on my Xbox, ignoring the person who jut walked in. I feel weight shift on my bed and I ignore it. It was probably just Balckstar.

"Long time no see, huh Soul?" I look over to see Aimi sitting on my bed.

"What do you want Aimi..." I say, with a now saddened expression.

"(Y/N)... sent this for you..." She handed me a letter and I opened it.

Dear Soul,
I'm so sorry I haven't be returning your calls or texts... they took away my phone. Luckily I was able to sneak out long enough to find this pen and paper. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to last in here... no. that does not mean you can come find me. This letter was to let you know that... I think I'm in love with you. And I pray you can let me go.
It's nice here. I see Stein on occasions.

(Y/N) (L/N)

Aimi's POV

"Soul!!" I watch as Soul jumps out of his bedroom window.


"Let's go Aimi." She is so... blunt. Like she- ohhhhhhh I get it.

"Right." I follow her out the door and she points to Soul's motercycle.

"You drive?"

"Since I was 9!" I say, jumping on.

"We need to catch up with Soul and take him to Steins lab!" She yells over the sound of the roaring engine.

"Okay!" I yell, speeding off in the direction of Soul's wavelength.

After a few seconds, we found Soul running along the sidewalk.

"Soul! Transform now!!" Maka yells, Soul following orders.

"We have to get to Steins-"

"We know!" I yell, speeding off, occasionally running red lights.

"We're here!" I yell.

"No! You took a wrong turn!"

"You really think Stein is just going to let us in?" I speed forward heading for the gate.

"DONT WRECK MY BIKE!!" Soul screams.

All of the sudden, I jerk the bars left and onto an old dumpster lid that was setting in the perfect angle for a ramp.

'Good thing my dad taught me how to ride.' I think as we take flight.

"We're not gonna make it!!!" Maka yells, pointing to the spiked gate.

"HANG ON TO THE BIKE! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO ME! YOU HAVE TO GET TO HER!!!" I scream as I flip the bike upside down, grabbing the top of the gate and thrusting the bike over. I fell to the ground outside the gate. But Maka and Soul land safely on the other side.

"Aimi!!" Soul yells as Maka runs to the gate. "We need you over here!"

"You'll be fine. Go find her." I say before passing out.

'I didn't know teachers were allowed to have electrified gates...'


Heyy! Get PUMPED! We're gonna find you next chapter!!! :D


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