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[3rd Person]

"I need a coffee milk tea with boba. Put as much caffeine in it as possible." Park dragged herself into the shop and slammed her head down on the counter after ordering.

"Are you studying for exams or something?" Yoongi asked, reaching over and feeling into her back pocket for her wallet. After taking out the money needed to cover her drink, he slipped the wallet back inside. Surprisingly, she didn't react. She just lifted up her head and leaned it against the cash register.

"No. I couldn't get any sleep last night because I had a nightmare. Fucking Park Jimin got me into some shit yesterday. There was this crazy girl---"

"Ohh did you meet Makoto?"

"Yeah that psycho. She thinks I'm Jimin's girlfriend and she kinda wants to kill me and every time I close my eyes I dream that she's actually going to do it. Where's Jimin? I plan to push him in front of a car today."

Yoongi laughed, "Was it really that bad?"

"YES! And it wasn't just that. Jimin tried to prove that we were dating to get Makoto off his ass so he ki...ugh nevermind. Just make me my drink pls."

"What did Jimin do?"

"Oh look! There's my beautiful girlfriend!" Jimin barged through the doors and kissed Park on the cheek as he wrapped his arm around her.

"OH MY GOD!" Park pushed Jimin away from her and he caught his balance, laughing at her reaction.

"Well surprisingly Makoto didn't follow me around school all day today. She's finally backing off."

Park grabbed her drink from Yoongi's hands and stormed out of the boba shop, leaving without a word.

"You should go apologize to her." Yoongi said sternly to Jimin.

"Why? I was just joking around."

"Yeah, but you know how people get offended when you joke around with them. Just go say sorry to Park."

Jimin groaned. "Ok fine. But after you make me my drink."

Yoongi shook his head. "Not until after you apologize. Now go."


Jimin stepped out of the store and looked to see which direction the girl left in. When he caught sight of Park, he jogged up to her and held her upper arm. "Hold on."

"What? Are you going to kiss me again?" She replied sarcastically.

"Only if you want me to."

Park stopped moving her arm and stared Jimin dead in the eye. His smile faded and let go of her arm. "Alright I'll stop messing around."

"Hmph." Park turned on her heel and proceeded to walk home.

"Hey hold up. I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"You're apologizing?"

"Well yeah. Before I came out here, Yoongi told me that you had nightmares about Makoto. And it's kind of my fault..."

"It's not kind of your fault. It is your fault."

"In my defense, you made the decision to come up and help me and tell Makoto that you were my girlfriend---ok ok sorry, I'm not tryna put the blame on you. Just...accept my apology?"

"That apology kinda sucked." Park took out her phone and earbuds and tried to search for a song while walking.

Suddenly Jimin grabbed her hand and pulled her back. He took out one of her earbuds and she stared at him with confused eyes. "You were about to walk right into traffic. Didn't your parents tell you not to walk while looking at your phone?"

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