Too Much To Handle

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Update Story:
Kelly has continued to gain weight fast. Right now she weighs about 680 and is getting really close to the 700 mark. Everyday is a struggle for her. Her legs have started to bow under her massive frame and she can barley walk. Her face is so swollen that her lips are puffing out and won't close. Her stomach is so big that she tells me she feels she is going to break her back. Her stomach is round and HUGE. I have to go to events for work and I ask if she wants to go to be nice but I really don't want her there. Finding anything that is nice is a huge challenge. The clothes that she normally wear are disgusting and slob like. I had to go to a work dinner and Kelly had to come with me. We had to get her some nice clothes and it was the biggest challenge ever. Her top is a size 10x and her bottoms are a 12-13x. No place carries that size. We had to look online and I found what I could. Plain black pants, and a purple long sleeve shirt that you could fit all of Africa in. Her feet are very very very swollen so she had to wear flip flops. She has not gotten into a car in about three months and I wanted to see if she would fit. The night of the dinner I had to get her dressed. Before we left she had takeout and pizza and pop. Her stomach got super bloated and it hung out more than usual. Her stomach was hanging out from her shirt at least 6 inches. It was gross and we didn't have time to change. She waddled out the front door putting one Great Wall of China sized leg in front of the other. When we got to the front door, it was a very tight squeeze. I had to push her from behind to have her fit. I helped her to the car and pushed the front seat out as much as I could. I got a step stool and she got in but she couldn't fit. Her thigh was sticking out so much. She told me to the close the door with a tear in her eye. I tried closing it multiple times and I got frustrated. I screamed at her, "WHAT THE HELL KELLY? HOW MUCH WEIGHT HAVE YOU GAINED? YOU CANT EVEN FIT IN THIS CAR ANYMORE YOU FAT SLOB? LOOK AT YOURSELF! YOUR SUPER SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE. GET SONE HELP FAT ASS."  Kelly tried to get out of the car but her legs got stuck and her stomach was starting to get stuck too. We had to call 9/11 and I was so embarrassed. My fat ass wife getting stuck in a car. The ambulance came and had to take a chunk out of my car to get her out. She waddled back to the front door and again tried to squeeze her way through. She was crying and went to the freezer to get ice cream and leftovers. She locked herself in the bedroom and ate a gallon of ice cream and 3 things of take away. She is getting worse and worse and I don't know what to do.

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