Black Siblings

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"I call dibs on spending time with my sister today and there's no exceptions," I said.

Everyone looked up at me and frowned.

"We know how you felt that night when you thought you lost her again," Harry said.

"Do you really," I ask.

"Yes," Harry said.

"She's my sister and my responsibility. You weren't there for her first steps. Her first words. Her first night mare, none of it," I said.

"Okay, okay, guys Cedric needs this day with Kiana. No one bother them, clear," Lucas said.

Fred, George, Olivia, Rosalyn, Ginny, Hermione, Ernie, Lucas, Jace, Harry, Ron, Jake and Josh look at me and nod.

"Sorry," I said.

"It's fine," Harry said.


"I just worry about you that's all," I said.

Kiana sent me a small smile and hugged me. I've taken in my sister's appearance and see how strong she's become since she was seven. She faced her fears and became stronger.

"And I worry about you too. Just trust me on this and don't go back to work," She frowned.

I held her small hands in mine and I noticed a tear fall from her face. She quickly wiped it away and looked me in the eyes.

"I promise Kay," I smiled. "I'd do anything you'd ask and you know that. You're my little sister even if you aren't so little anymore and I love you so much and I'm so sorry I haven't been much of a great brother to you. I just want you to be happy and I want to protect you."

Kiana held my hands tightly and I pulled her in for another hug.

"Remember when you first got your letter for Hogwarts," I asked.

Kiana sniffled but laughed.

"Amos and Diana betted on which house I would've got in," she sniffled. "How could she do this to us? Betray us? Betray dad?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fear," I said. "Fear makes us do stupid things."

Kiana shrugged her shoulders. It grew silent between us. I noticed how different the girl sitting me is from the girl who was once eleven years old challenging my friends and I in a race to see who's faster at making it to the kitchen for food so that the loser would have to pour the beverages. Or the mischievous pranks we'd pull on each other. I miss the old us. The happier us. The better us.

"Do you think there's any chance Christian is still alive," Kiana asks breaking the silence.

Then there was our third sibling. We've pretty much ruled Kayla the outcast of the family which was basically her fault. We all tried to help her on the right path and we all tried to get along with her but it's impossible. I missed Christian there was no doubt about that. He made Kiana and I better these few years when our fights blew up into proportion he helped talk sense into us.

"Yes I do," I said. "Although Kayla may be evil she loves Christian."

"Hopefully," Kiana sniffled.

I know how much she blames herself for not being able to save him. It wasn't her fault. She was trapped what was she to do. She's done all she could.

"It isn't your fault you know you were trapped. We all were," I said.

"I know that now what about last year. What if I had stopped Snape," She said. "What if I didn't trust in him at all?"

She definitely feels at fault for our grandfather's death. It wasn't. We all trust that Snape was on our side the whole time because our Gramp's had faith in the man so we went along with it.

"You didn't know," I said. "And it isn't your fault."

"Cedric, I miss how things were. Don't you," She asked. "I miss being happy."

"Kind of. But, I'm stronger now," I said. "We are all stronger now."

"We will make it through this and you and Hermione are going to have kids and I'll sleep over with Annalise and we will throw pies onto your offsprings faces right? Nothing will change? You and I, will we still be the same," She asked.

"Of course we will," I smiled. "Nothing would ever change that."

A sincere smile formed on her lips and she nodded.

"Go to bed weirdo," Kiana said.

"We both should before Molly finds us and has us help with the wedding set up," I whined.

We heard footsteps walking towards our door.

"Pretend to be asleep," I said.

"Not so Hufflepuff of you," Kiana whispered.

"Hurry," I whisper.

Kiana and I laid down on the bed and closed our eyes. I held the fragile and scared 17 year old in my arms. The door opened.

"Kiana dear I need you to," Molly began. "Poor children."

Molly pulled the blanket over our bodies.

"It'll be over someday and I promise you two will find your happiness in this world," Molly whispered.

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