Joined by a friend

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I heard a twig snap from behind. I turned around with my wand raised. The snatchers have been chasing me the moment I left camp weeks ago.

"Darling. You can run but you can't hide," he whispered.

My breath had slowly hitched. I held my wand even tighter as I was soon cornered by four snatchers.

"Leave me alone," I spat.

The snatchers wore wicked smiles on their faces as they approached. I kicked the first snatcher in the stomach and ran past him. I sent stunners back every few seconds as I heard spells being shot towards me. Ron who ever. I need help. Soon enough I heard two pops in front of me. I saw Ron, Jake and Josh with their wands raised.

"We need to go," I yelled.

I ran towards the four and we joined hands and disapparated to the one place I've been dying to go to : Godric's Hollow. The four of us laid flat on the ground panting for air.

"How did you find me," I panted.

"I felt it," Josh said.

I send him a small nod. Protectors can feel when people alike them are in danger.

"I found these idiots shacked up in a safe house. We stuck together after I left Harry and Hermione," Ron panted.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, Hermione finally realized what you were talking about they know about the sword of Gryffindor. One thing led to another and I left," Ron explained.

"Why are we in Godric's Hollow," Jake panted.

"Bloody hell, Sword of Godric Gryffindor? Godric's Hollow. I'm a Hufflepuff but if my calculations are correct this is the birthplace of Gryffindor," Josh said.

"It holds a significant meaning to Harry and You-Know-Who," I sighed.

"Why don't you say V," Jake began.

I slapped his mouth with my hand and sighed.

"That's how the Snatchers find us," I sighed.

I got up from the ground and helped the boys.

"Hey I'm sorry for what happened," Josh said.

"It's fine I'm just really glad to see you three again," I sighed.

I heard church bells go off.

"It must be Christmas Eve," Jake said.

I nodded.

"Come on," I said. "Let's see if we can find anything."

The four of us made our way down the quiet little village. I saw a cemetery in front of us and stopped.

"Do you think James and Lily would be in there?" I asked. "And my mom?"

"I don't see why not," Ron said.

The four of us made our way into the cemetery. We split up as we searched for the Tombstone. James Potter Lily Potter. I kneeled down in front of their grave and sighed.

Destined| The Deathly Hallows : Book 7 Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora