In Love...

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U see a small head popping up from the end of your bed and realize it was Lucy, your pet kitten. She climbed on your tummy and u pull her closer, caressing her head gently "Nice kitten" Zayn says, trying to play with her. She jumps to his hands at once and 'meowed' in pleasure, when Zayn started to scratch her head gently. He then put her back on your hand and she cuddles under your neck as she always does. Zayn kisses your forehead "come down babe, the others are waiting" he says. You wash your face and put your hair in a loose bun and then walk down with Lucy following your steps. The boys were happy to see you and each gives you a hug and then you sit next to Zayn.

The boys try their best to make you laugh atleast to make you smile but it didn't work out. "How about going to the club tonight?" Harry asks, raising his eyebrows "Great let's go!" says Jessi cheering up. U still keep quiet, "Please love.. u're gonna feel good when we go there" Harry says caressing ur head. "Okay" u say and go up soon with Jessi. U find out a good dress to wear and u put up a little make-up. Soon u both were ready. 

                                       Analiya's outfit 

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                                       Analiya's outfit 

                                       Analiya's outfit 

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                                     Jessica's outfit

U both walk down and see the boys already sitting on the couch waiting for u. They look up at u both with wide eyes. "Why u guys are giving us that look?" Jessi asks sitting next to Harry. "U both just look.. wow!" Harry says. U look down smiling a bit. Zayn walks to u, "U look amazing babe" he says winking at u. "Oh thanks" u say smiling at him. Soon u all leave to the club. U guys sit on a couch and Liam orders drinks.

They all were having a great time but u just keep quiet still holding ur glass of drink without having it. "Drink it Ana.. u're gonna be fine" Liam says smiling. "I don't want to drink now.. i need sme fresh air. I'll be back guys" u say and walk away. U have to pass the dance floor to get to the exit, suddenly u feel a hand holding urs and u turn around to see who it was. "Hey babe" he says. "Hey Kevin.. its u!" u say. "Are u okay babe? where were u going alone?|" he asks coming more closer to u. "Uhm just wanted some fresh air.. and yes im fine thanks" u say and turn back to go, but he pulls u back more closer to him this time. "glad to know u are okay" he says and u smile at him. He then holds up ur cheeks from his hands and looks deep into his eyes, u too stare at his eyes and then he kisses u. U push him away with a shoked look. "what was that for?" u ask. "I'm sorry i just didn't have to do  it babe but what's really wrong if i kis the girl i love?"he says cming closer to u again. This makes u more shocked and u were trying so hard to talk but u can't. "What?"u say finally making it up. 

"Yes.. i do love u Ana.. i never had a chance to tell u this but now i did it finally.. like this!" he says. "But..but Kevin we've known eachother only since two or three months and how come u love me so soon?" u ask him with a confusing look. "Baby listen.. there's no time period when love comes.. it just comes when u see the right person for u.. and u are the right girl for me baby.. I just fall for u at the first sight!" he says. U just nod ur head and then look down. "Well.. then i need time Kevin. I'll tell u soon as possible, maybe tomorrow at school." u say and turn around to go. U see Zayn staring at u both a bit angrily but u ignore it and sit at the bar to have a drink. 

Zayn's P.O.V

I watch her walk away and it just makes me more upset about her. I hate seeing her this way. It's almost a week since her grandma passed away but still she finds it hard to forget all and move on.. She really loves her grandma.. i know.. What i don't get is, why i care for her so much?what makes me so upset when she is sad? Am i falling for her? yeah there's no wrong with that.. besides she is a good girl, kind, friendly, understanding and simply perfect in all ways.. Loving her is not at all wrong because she is the girl i've always wanted after all.. she is way different from Sophia and i know she will never do anything like what Sophia did to me!....


Analiya's P.O.V

 I don't really know what just happened between me and Kevin.. what should i do now? i'll have to decide whatever it is.. soon as possible. And what made Zayn look at us so angrily? Didn't he like it when me and Kevin stay together? There's no reason for him to look at me like that and to be honest he is really good friend to me.. still why? Is he jealous or something?...


U were soon snapped out of ur thoughts when Niall shakes u up with ur shoulders. "Hey.. babe we should be going now its too late" he says. "Yeah.. let's go Nialler.. by the way where's Zayn?" u ask him realising Zayn was not there. "Oh he just went home.. i guess because he didn't really tell us where he was going, he just went out" he says walking towards the others with u beside him. "Oh.. okay" u say just shrugging it off soon. When u go home u see Zayn sleeping on the couch so u go up to ur room and get a duvet for him and then come back down and cover him up with it. 

U went back to ur room and have a quick shower before changing up in ur PJ's. Jessi was already asleep without even changing up. U didn't want to wake her up so u just crawled to ur bed and lay down to sleep. U didn't really sleep but keep on thinking about what happened at the club. 

Analiya's P.O.V

I look up at the ceiling and start thinking hard about everything that happened.. Is Kevin truly loving me? Why did Zayn stare at me so angrily? What should i do? Should i accept Kevin? All these keeps running through my head now that i couldn't figure out what to do.. Loving Kevin is not a bad thing as i know.. he is caring, good hearted, kind, sweet and most of all he understands me well.. so what's more to think? I'm gonna accept his love.. i trust him... Yeah I'm gonna tell him about this tomorrow! Yeah.. 


:) :) :) :) :) Hope u like this chapter guys!

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