She's gone...

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Zayn looks down at u and Louis wakes up at the same time. He too looks at u rubbing his eyes and sits up. U pull away from Zayn and sit up. "Hello.. Mrs. William u there?" u ask. "Yeah.. baby please stay strong and listen to what im telling u.." she says still sobbing a bit. "What's it?" u ask impatiently. "Ur.. Ur grandma.. she is gone honey! She just left us all!" she says crying even harder now. U couldn't believe what she just said u.. U keep quiet for sometime till she speaks back. "I'm coming now" is all what u say and hang up. "Babe.. what's wrong?" Zayn asks shaking u up. U say nothing but look down wiping away the tears rolling down ur cheeks. "Tell us love.. what happened?" Louis says lifting ur head up. "My grandma..  she's gone! she just left me and went!!" u say leaning on Zayn's arms. He wraps his arms around u, "Baby.. shh.. calm down please.. im really sorry for u love.. stay strong now" he says wiping away ur tears with his thumb.

Louis caresses ur head trying to calm u down but u still cry hard burrying ur face onto Zayn's chest. "I.. #sob# wan...t..#sob# to go take me..#sob# Zayn" u say trying hard to hold back ur tears from falling. "Let's go baby" he says helping u up the couch. "I'll come with the others Zayn u take her and go now" Louis says. 

Zayn takes ur car out and u get in soon. He drives as soon as possible. When u go there u see people walking here and there near ur house. U run inside with Zayn beside u and see ur grandma lying there oh her bed and Mrs. William sitting next to her crying. "Granny!" u walk in and kneel down near her holding her cold hand. "Why.. why.. why sis u leave me so soon? u do know how much i love u and still why did u leave me? i hate seeing u like this.. please wake up granny! please.. see ur baby girlis here now, wake up! please!!" u say crying hard kissing her hands. Zayn pulls u up to his arms and hug u tight. "shh stop crying Ana.. be strong please baby calm urself now" he says kissing ur head. "How can i stop crying Zayn? Look at how she is lying there dead.. i love her so much but how did she leave me like this? i can't bear this Zayn im sorry i can't!" u say hugging him more tighter. 

Analiya's P.O.V

I still can't believe she is gone.. She was one of my favourite person in the world. The things i used to do with her since i was born to this world came running through my mind all the time.  How come she went so soon? She was fine last night but this morning she was gone! I can't really figure these out. Zayn pn the other side was trying his hard to calm me down but i can't.. i can't ever control my tears.. i'm just so glad he is with me right now.. I feel somewhat relieved when i cuddle onto his chest. 


Soon ur parents were there and so was ur brother there. The burial ceremony took place soon. U were now controlling ur tears just to calm ur mother down.  They both had to leave the next day and ur brother was to leave tonight.  


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Once the ceremony is over u walk into ur house and go to ur grandma's room. U sit on her bed and look around the room taking a deep breath and with a little tears rolling down ur cheeks. U take her sweater and hold it in ur arms rubbing the little flower work on the right bottom of the sweater. 

Then u see the boys walking into the room with Jessi and ur brother too. Austin comes closer to u and hug u tight kissing ur forehead. U cry into his arms making his shirt soak with ur tears. "Baby please calm down now.. everything is over and i hate seeing my little angel like this crying.. stop it  Ana.." he says. Louis walks over to u and u turn to him now resting ur head on his arms. And then the others come up to u and hug u too.

 A little later u walk over to ur room and have a quick shower, then u change up ur dress and walk out of the washroom and see Zayn and Harry sitting on ur bed. U sit next to them, "Ana.. we need to talk" Harry says looking at u. "Yeah.. what's it?" u ask. "We are really sorry for ur grandma baby.. and we decided to stay here with u for a few days so that it will make u feel good and help u come over... with all these sorrow.. do u want us to stay with  u babe?" he askd holding ur hands. "Ermm.. yeah u can stay with me" u reply. "Thanks love.. i really hope u will be fine soon" Zayn says kissing ur cheeks. "Alright now come down baby.. let's have lunch" Harry says standing up. "No, i think i need some sleep now, my eyes are hurting for i cried alot.. i'll have a little sleep and join u guys" u say lying down on the bed. "Do u want me to stay here love?" Zayn asks smiling at u. "Uhm.. okay if u wish to" u say snuggling up ur pillow. He nods his head "Of course i will princess.. sleep well" he says with a smile and start caressing ur head. u turn to him and cuddle in his arms and with that u fall asleep soon.

When u wake up u see Zayn sleeping next to u still holding u closer to him. U try to move a bit and it makes him wake up. "Hey.. u are up!" he says sitting up so that u can sit up too. "Yeah.." u say smiling at him. "Did u have a good sleep?" he asks u. "Uhh yeah how about u?" u ask him. "Yeah.. and with u beside me in my arms.. i did have a very good sleep" he says taking away a strand of ur hair behind ur ears. U smile at him and he kisses ur cheeks.


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