Found Out

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U talk to Jessi for a long time and lunch time comes. U take her to ur table and start having ur lunch.

"Jess I think I have something to tell u" u tell her about all what happened between u and Zayn. She keeps on nodding her head, with interest. And u also tell her about the message u got from Kevin's mobile this morning.

"I just don't know. I saw that message. But I don't know what to believe. And whom to believe. Zayn or Kevin. Is that person who sent that message to Kevin a girl? Or is it really a boy named Luke. I don't know Jessi" u facepalm.

"Hmm okay tell me this. Why did Zayn say such kind of a thing to u. Maybe u should've considered more about it. Didn't u at least see Zayn's jealousy on his face? Tell me." Asks Jessi, patting ur shoulder.

"All I saw on his face was anger.  That's it. ANGER. Nothing else" u say, widening ur eyes.

"Anger? Or jealousy? I don't know. Just find it out girl. If u need any help just ask me and I'm ready to help u" says Jessi.

"Okay I will" u nod.

"Okay how about us going to Starbucks at about 4?" U ask, biting ur lips.

"Sure" she nods. U smile and u both go upstairs to relax for sometime.


The time was 3:00. U get down from the bed and Jessica waits till u get ready. U wear a black tank top with mini trousers. U quickly slip on ur black gladiators and step out with Jessi, locking the door.

U sit down in Starbucks and order something to drink. I sit there, chatting about with Jessica.

"Hey I guess that's Kevin over there" says Jessica, pointing out at a table where a familiar looking guy was sitting.

"Kevin? Oh my. Yes it is him. Okay lemme see his Luke who's coming to meet him at 4" u say, looking at ur watch which showed that it was five to four.

"Ah there's someone coming!" Whispered Jessi. I quickly look up to see a girl, with brunette hair, curly. She wore a brown dress with a handbag on her arm. U keep on looking at her, as she sits next to Kevin's chair. U gasp and try to figure out more about that girl.

U see them both entangle their fingers together. Ur jaw drops and u look at them, at once they start to argue, u see Kevin trying to stop her arguing with that strange girl. U see Kevin pulling her closer to him. U gasp and watch. She suddenly pushes him away but Kevin pulls her back and to ur surprise he started kissing her hard. U gasp and squeeze Jessi's hand, who is also watching them kiss. Tears roll down ur eyes as u see Kevin taking the strange girl to another private place, where there were no people at all. U stand up and ur feet drags u towards the place where they are. U see them making out. U gasp and say "Kevin!". He suddenly turns and pushes that girl away from him. "Analiya! B-babe i-i j-jus-st-" u cut him off. "Shut up Kevin! I don't wanna hear any shit from u! What did u just do with that bitch? U kissed her? Are u serious? U cheated me" u say and start to walk away, opening the door and closing it with a big bang. Jessi see u walk away. Kevin follows u, trying to stop u. "Babe stop I didn't mean to do it" he shouts, as u don't bother to look back at him. "Cheater! Who do u think u are? To cheat me like that?" U ask, walking. "Yeah! I'm a cheater!" He says, to your surprise. U turn to look at him. "What did u say?"


Halo! The chapter is completed! Now, ur turn! To vote my book! ❤ thanks to all the lovelies who takes interest to vote my book!

Bye! I'm gonna update the next chappio!

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