Unexpected fly over..

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Today was a real busy day at work for u... u were really tired at the end of the day and were hoping to have a good sleep soon as u go home. soon u were at home now and u have a shower before going to have a little sleep. Just when ur eyes were drifting to sleep u phone goes off and u sit up with a shock. U looked at ur phone and saw Mia's name on ur caller ID. U answer it hesitatingly "what's it Mia?" U say rubbing ur eyes. "Oh good thing u answered my call hun.. We're going out shopping! So be ready in 10 mins I'm coming over to pick u!!!" She says it too loud which makes u pull away ur phone from ur ears. "Nah I can't come baby.. u enjoy" u say and hung up before she could reply u.

 A little later u slightly hear ur door knock. "Come in!" U say still ur eyes closed. Then u feel like someone jumping on ur bed. U look up and see Mia jumping up to make u wake up. "Ugh! Now what? U ask her annoyed. "I told u to be ready.. now go get ready babes!" She says pulling u over. "Ugh... okay!!!" U say rolling ur eyes and walk out to get a dress. U were ready now and were going down with Mia. "Mom I'm going out shopping" u say and walk out to see Ryan standing out. U both get in his car and he drives over. U have a good time shopping and now u were at a coffee shop having a cup of coffee. Suddenly ur phone goes off and it was ur mom. "Hey mom" u say sipping ur coffee. "Hey hun.. try to come home quick we have something important to tell u" she says. "Okay ill be right there soon" u say and hung up. " guys I gotta go..see u all later" u say walking away leaving ur shopping with them. U were so into the thought of what ur mom said and u forgot ur shopping and go home soon by a taxi. 

When u go there u see ur mom and dad sitting on the couch and ur dad had a passport and a ticket in his hand. U sit next to him. "Dad what's the matter? Why are u holding up ur passport and a ticket?" U say turning over to mom. "It's actually urs hun" he says. "What do u mean dad?" U ask looking back at him. "Well ur grand ma is sick and we want u to go and check on her as we are really busy with meetings and stuff baby" ur mom says holding on ur shoulder. "Oh no! She is sick... and I have to go there?" U say looking at ur mom. "Please Ana.. do it for us... she really needs someone of us with her now" she says holding ur hands. "Uhh.. okay ill go!" U say and walk up to ur room to pack ur things up because ur flight was in 2 hours tonight.

 U see Mia and Ryan coming to ur room. "Hey what made u forget all ur stuff at the restaurant and go Ana?" She says putting them on ur bed. "I'm sorry and thanks for bringing them love" u say giving her a fake smile. "And we heard u are flying over to England tonight.. why so suddenly?" Ryan says looking at u with a doubt. "Uhm yeah because my grand ma is sick and I'm going over to check on her.. I'll be back in two weeks" u say walking over to the washroom and come out dressed a little later. Then u put on a little makeup and put ur hair up in a ponytail. "Mia I want u to inform our manager about this love" u say slipping on ur shoes. "Yeah sure babes" she says hugging u and Ryan hugs u too. U go down with ur bags and tel ur driver to get the car and u were going alone to the airport.

Finally u make it to England and take a taxi to ur grandma's place. When u go there u see her making something in her kitchen. "Granny!" U say putting down ur bags. She turned around with a huge smile on her face.. u walk over to her and hug her tight. "Analiya baby! U are here to see me!" She says pulling away and holding ur cheeks. "Yes granny.. I'm here to check on u" u say wiping out a tear. "Oh that's so nice of u... I've missed u a lot darling.. come sit here" she says pulling out a chair from the dining table. "No.. u sit here and I'll make that food for u" u say and walk towards the stove. Soon u finish it up and we're having it talking loads of things u had to say her. "By the way.. where's ur caretaker Mrs. William?" U say looking around. "Oh she just went to the supermarket to get some fruits dear" she say smiling. "Okay" u reply having another mouth full of spaghetti.

 A little later u see Mrs. William walking in and she gives a surprising look when she see u.. u walk over to her and hug her. "Oh darling how have u been?" She says pulling away. "Not bad.. " u say smiling at her. U all were having a good time talking and u were really tired by the time.. u go up to ur room and have a little nap. U wake up sometime later and go down to check on ur grandma.. she was having a little chat with Mrs. William. Suddenly u felt someone holding ur shoulder and u turn around to see ur best friend Jessica whom u knew since small age. "Omg Jessica! It's u!!" U scream in happiness and hug her tight. "Analiya! It's u!!" She replies and hugs u back. U both go out for a little walk to the park nearby ur place.

U talked a great deal of things which u had to share with her from a long time. "So what are u doing these days Ana?" She asks while u both take a seat on a bench. "Working at a hotel as a receptionist and also looking for a good Art school to do up a course.. u know how I love becoming a famous Artist nah.." u say with a huge smile on ur face. "That's nice to hear.. I'm working at a hotel too as a waitress and hey! Why don't u join the same art school where I'm gonna join too? I feel like I should do a course too so I've found the best school for it".. she says. smiling. "Oh wow that's really great! Let's join it and go babe.. I'm gonna call dad and tel him about this. And wait I need a job too so that I can pay the fee from my own money".. u say standing up to go. "That's a good thing" she says and u both walk back to ur house.

Two weeks later..
Now u were doing up the course u wanted and u had to stay in England til u finish it. And also u find the same job as a receptionist in a big hotel in London where Jessica already works at.

 The picture above is Analiya Simpson :)  ❤

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