A New Friend...

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The pic above is Dylan O'brien as Kevin.. :)

U wake up ;ate next morning and rush off to the washroom to have a shower before getting ready to school. It was just half an hour more left for school and u get dressed soon and then run out to ur car. It was just 5 minutes left when u go there. U run through the halls and into ur class. U stand there near the doorstep panting, "MIss. Simpson! U are almost late.. but its fine u can come in now and make sure this don't happen again!" ur teacher says looking at her watch. U smile at her, "I'm sorry and ill make sure of never being late like this!" u say and go to ur place and sit next to Jess. "Whoa.. what made u late Ana?" she ask with an eyebrow raised. "Well.. i just didn't put my alarm" u say still panting a bit. 

It is ur break time now so u go to the canteen with Jess. U get ur food and go to ur usual place and sit there. While eating Jessi was staring at someone from a long time, "What are u looking at Jess?" u ask her. "Uhh do u know that guy?" she asks looking u. "Who?" u ask looking around. "The guy sitting on the table on the right side to our table" she says. U look at him and wonder who that was because his face was new to this place. "Nope.. why do u ask so?" u ask ooking back at her. "He's new to our class. His name is Kevin Parker." she says. "So why did u ask me whether i know him?" u ask. "He's been staring at u since we came here.. haha i think he likes u Ana! And he really looks HOT!!" she says with a little giggle. "I don't know.. and i really don't care about it!" u say with a smirk. U were heading back to ur class and then u see him sitting just behind ur seat. He smiles at u and u smile back. 

Once ur school was over u walk out to ur car with Jess. When u were about to get in u see that guy at the canteen running towards u. "Hey" he says finally stopping near u breathing heavily. "Hello" u say. "I..#.c...a..me..#breath# to.. #breath#.. gi..ve #breath#..." u speak up before he could finish it when u see one of ur books in his hands which he was giving u. "Oh my book! u came to give it?" u ask taking the book from him. "Yeah.. u left it at the class babe" he says. "Aww thanks.. Uhm Kevin?" u say with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah... Kevin but how do u know my name love?" he asks with a shock. "Well.. she told me" u reply pointing at Jess who was just staring at u both. "Oh hi Jess!" he says amiling. "Hi Kevin" she replies smiling back and then looks at u. "U look nice.. don't take it wrong please.. imjust being honest" he says with a wink. "Ah.. thanks Kevin.. and u look handsome" u say blushing a little. 

"Wanna make friends with me?" he asks u. "Of course yeah.. i'd love to" u reply giving him a hug and he hugs Jessi too. U both exchange numbers and u say goodbye to him. When u go there u see ur grandma sitting on the couch reading a magazine. U walk to her and kiss her "Hey granny!" u say sitting next to her. "Oh my baby is here.. go.. have a wash and come darling ill serve u ur lunch till that" she says caressing ur head. U run upstairs and have a bath, then u go down to have ur lunch.

U hear ur phone ringing so u run up again to get it. It is Zayn and u answer it soon.

You "Hey Zayn"..

Zayn "Hey love"..

You  "Whats the matter?"..

Zayn "Ermm i just wanted to ask whether u and Jessi could come over for a sleepover tonight"

You "Sounds good.. we'll be there soon" 

Zayn "Great! see ya baby"

You "Byeee..."


Soon as the call ends u send a text to Jessi. 

 You "  Hey Jess! the boys wants us to come to a sleepover tonight.. be ready around 7 ill come to pick u babe"

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