The Fight

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 you are doing up some work on a book when you hear girls screaming and running here and there outside the hotel and you walk out to see. You see five handsome boys trying to get rid from the crowd, covering up there faces with guards around them, there are flashes of cameras and you walk back in. To your surprise they come into your hotel which made everybody get goose bumps on their skins. They sit on a table and relieving themselves after what happened out with their fans. "omg!! that's One Direction!!" u hear jessi almost screaming.. shaking ur shoulders happily. "yeah thats them!" u say with wide eyes and then u look at them. 

jessi comes up with a notebook and a pen standing right infront of u with a huge smile on her face. U look up at her with a shock and realise what she is trying to tell u. "Oh no jessi.. dont tell me to go and get autographs from them for u!" u say shaking ur head. "Please baby.. i look weird and look at my dress.. but urs is nice and u look amazing" she says with an innocent face which makes u to agree on what she says. "Ugh.. fine ill get it jessi. give it to me" u say taking her notebook and pen. U felt a bit excited but u shrug it off and start walking towards them. they were all busy with talking and laughing out. U had to make a little sound from ur mouth just to show them u were there because it was nearly 2 minutes standing near then but they didn't at all notice u were there. Then a boy with brown curly hair look up at u and smile. u smile back finding it hard to talk to them because u were too excited now. "Yes love.. is there anything u want?" he asks u but before u could reply him u were interrupted by another boy whose hair was quiffed up a little. "Harry she's here to get our orders! anyways now go and get us a plate of french fries, a pizza with cheese and chicken for topping and guys.. what would u like to drink?" he asks looking at the surprised boys. 

"Uhm i guess u are mistaken... im not a waitress.. i came here... u were once again interrupted by him. "Oh just get it.. i dont care of who u are but i guess u have noted down our order so just get it to us NOW! u are just a worker here too afterall!: he says with a smirk. this makes u angry abit. how could he talk to me like that? u think to ur self. "I guess ill have to make it more clear to u Mr. ...... erm..... whatever ur name is! that im not gonna get ur orders unless a waitress comes over to u and get them for u" u say rolling ur eyes. "U little b**** how can u ever think of talking to me like that? u silly little worker who gets paid only a little money! and u are talking to someone who is famous around the world!" he says raising his voice high. "Look u can never talk to me like that because u never know who i am and why im here to work! and u just cant be so proud fo what u are and show up ur proudness to anyone! Don't be a too proud for gods sake! Its better for u if u keep shut now!" u say looking straight at him talking in a loud voice as him but not really close enough for his actually. Before he could tell something a guy with a black and white striped t-shirt took hold of his hand telling him to stop arguing with u. "Enough Zayn! Stop now" he sayd. Then he looks at u and smile. "I'm Louis Tomlinson and i'm really sorry for that he did.. now give us ur notebook and we'll sign it". he says taking ur notebook. This guy seems kind and nice. 

"Are these autographs for u?" a guy with blonde hair who has an irish accent asks u. "Well.. its for my friend actually. She is just too excited to come and get it from u guys so i had to come" u reply looking over at jessi who were standing there with excitement filled on her face bititng her nails. "If she need it she should come and get it without sending a worthless girl like u.. and what makes her so nervous to come infront of us? we're not gonna kill her or anything right?" u hear zayn say which makes u stare at him angrily. "Why do u bother about anything that i do? U freaking stupid Zayn? i told u to keep shut and let me do whatever i came to do! UNDERSTAND?" u say pointing out a finger towards him. His face turned red with anger and stands up but again Louis makes him sit. "Zayn.. i told u to stop now! What's really wrong with u and why do u fight with this girl for nothing? Control urself Zayn its better for u" he says with an annoying look on his face. By that time everyone except Zayn had put their signatures and when Zayn was about to sign on it u grab it from him and walk away still angry for what he did.

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