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"Mummy, mummy wake up. Quickly!"

"Hmmm, just a few more minutes Annabelle."


As I ran down the hall way.


"Jasmine, are you awake?"

"No, now go away you little twerp!"

"But Jasmine the house is on...."

"I SAID go away you twerp!"

Crackle crackle crackle....

I ran up to mums room again to show her what was wrong.

"Mum, mum, mum the house is on fi..."

"AHHHHHH!!! HELP........."


Mum screamed as she left me on her floor and ran to Jasmines side.

Chapter 1.

Annie POV



On my own I sat there on the floor while our house burnt down as my mum cried and Jasmine screamed. I looked over to mum's bed side table and looked at her new phone that sat there. I remember mum's words when she got it......

"Annabelle you are not to touch my phone not even if the world is ending.. Understand me?"

"Yes mummy."

My mind flickered to what had happened this morning from the fire. As I sat watching tv and all of a sudden bang the wires caught fire. When I went to mum the first time, the look on her face. When I went to Jasmine and the way she spoke to me. The way the flames roared as they hovered closer.

"That's it!"

I reached over to the phone.


Time passed as I waited.


"Hi, my house is burning down and my mum and sister are hurt."

"All exit the house..."

"We can't."

I said as I began to sob...

"Ok where do you live....?"

"23 phrenic drive Brunswick. "

The phone hung up. So I just lay on the floor and crawled under my mothers bed and wrapped myself in her clothes left on the floor.

I lay there and shut my eyes to be startled by a loud siren they had come for us!!!

As the siren faded my mums crying reduced and my sisters scream also reduced and the sound of men echoed round the burning house...

"Is there anyone else?"

"No, my sister Annabelle left us here to die. She's long gone."

"Ok get them out of here and start watering the house down."

Said another strong loud voice as my mum, and sister were evacuated. Yet I, I just lay there wrapped in the clothes, not to make a peep as I saw the burning flame move close to the room I lay in. And the last thing I felt was scared especially when I felt two hands grab me from behind and cover my mouth and eyes and drag me towards the heat of the fire and out into the cool air of the front yard where every one else was being attended by ambulance and police speaking to my mum.

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