MY ghostly encouncters chapter 14

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i woke up in a dark plae, the floor was wet, moldy and squishy. Barbwire was tied to my hands and feet. A girl about 57 was sitting next to me, her head was hanging only by a little bit of skin, her eyes are hanging out of their sockets, barbwire cut through some of her wrist, she was decomposing, the rottoning smell filled my nose with death welcoming into its arms. her expression was the one that scared me, stitches kept her mouth shut.

"Candice this is where i died, don't show panic not matter what, he feeds off of that, the more you don't show him your panic the longer you'll stay alive."


"She died about 4 months ago, right before me he made me watch it." Tears came rolling down her face. 

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be that motherfucker will pay for his deeds and rot in hell, ill make sure of that."

"Ssssshhhhh hes coming."

Footsteps were coming, threw the little light i could tell that i was in the attic, different usual the prey is in the basement.

"Hello baby."


"tough one hu."


"Did i ever tell you that your eyes look sexy."


"Are you always so hard to get."


"Why don't we go eat some dinner i bet your hungry."

i was starving but not in a million years would i eat with him.

come on, he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen, were a feast was already made.

"I cooked it all for us."

he untied my wrist so i can eat.

I took the first bit it was so good.

"What is this."

"That is kidneys from that one girl you were sitting by up there.

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