My ghostly encounters chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Mike

                My name is Candice Whitman, I look normal as you, but I’m far off.  I’ve had my strange gift since I was five. My aunt told me that I only see sprits that are troubled, don’t want to leave their family, and some scared to pass over, not knowing what is on the other side. Yes that is my gift I can see the dead. It is my job to cross them over. I’ve crossed over spirits since the day I found out. My family has a long line of history of these gifts but my great grandma was worried that the long line of this gift would not continue since my mom doesn’t hold the gift and my aunt can’t have kids. Before you get to know me, you must listen to their story first.

“Aunt Marie, what’s papa still doing here?”

“My child it looks like you can see the dead, wont nana be surprised.” Aunt Marie said. She was a fit 25 year old with wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and cherry red lips.

“Papa I can still see you, are you dead or not?”

“Yes child I am I was just stopping for one more look around the house then I’m off.” Said the chubby old man, with white hair, brown eyes hide behind his thick glasses and a huge smile.”I better get going I don’t want to keep nana and your mom waiting.”

“Bye dad.” Aunt Marie said hugging papa.

“Bye papa.”

“It’s so bright. Coming dear. “Said papa and with that he was gone, just like that.

“Candice do me a favor and go find your mom.”

With that I left to go find her. I went up the stairs, down the hall into the last door on my left. There was my mom lying on the bed watching teen mom.



“Aunt Marie wants you.”

“Okay tell her ill be down there in a few minutes.”

With that I left. On my way down the stairs I saw something out of the corner of my eye move. I turned to look; there was a boy about twenty years standing there with soulless eyes. We stared at each other for a few minutes; goose bumps came up on my arm each second I stared in those soulless dark eyes.

“Why are you here?’ I said. It just came out.

“I died here this is my house not yours get out!”

“No its mine now leave or I’ll call the police.”

“No!!!” he yelled. With that the vase that was black with pink polka dots came off the shelf and broke, picture frames, candles, plants, books all flew off the shelves and just went crazy. All of a sudden it stopped as soon as my mom stepped out of the room. I ran down the stairs and into Aunt Marie arms.

“What happened to you child, your trembling like you just saw a ghost?” she laughed at the last part (I know cheese sorry).

“Aunt Marie I ….”

“Okay what do you want.” My mother told her harshly.

“Candice why don’t you go to your room while I talk to your mom.”

I left, but not to my room I hide listening to their conversation.

“Zoey listen to me, you better love Candice no matter how much you don’t like this.”

“Why should I listen to some freak?”

“Don’t call me a freak cause if you call me a freak you’re also calling Candice a freak, and I know how much you love her.”

There was silence. Then my mom was murmuring stuff that no one could make out.

“What the hell, you mean that Candice can see what you can.”

More silence. Then a door slammed and I peeked from the corner, there was Aunt Marie sitting on the couch all alone. I ran upstairs and on my way up there I saw the twenty year old boy again but, this time his eyes were not soulless but a rather glowing dark red.

“Your mom doesn’t love you anymore.”

“Yes she does.”

“If she loved you then why did she leave and call you a freak. She doesn’t love you anymore.”

“Who are you?”

“That’s for you to find out.” He said smiling. Then with that he disappeared.

“Candice come down here please.” It was Aunt Marie.

I walked down the stairs hoping not to run into that man again.

“Where’s mommy?”

“Candice listen to me your mom is probably going to be mean to you and call you names but you know what, I’ll always be there for you no matter what life or death.” She stuck to her word for three years. Too bad her life was cut short.

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