MY ghostly encounters chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Lisa Miao

"What is it Candice."

"I look normal on the inside, I'm (I took in a breathe) different i see thinks you cant..."

"So you can see the future like a psychic.,"

"Nope i cant see that but i see things more horrifying than that."

"So you see ghost." joked Gabby.

"Yes i can."

"Your joking." said Gabby."

I hung my head down low.

"No I'm not."

"Candice your lying." Aliyah.

"No and Maces here to she was the one that convinced me to tell you."

"Liar!!" yelled Aliyah.

"Shes here right now and shes mad at you Aliyah that you would doubt a friend."

"You just want the attention."

"Nope but you do, your grandmas mad at you for what you said about here at her funeral and how you don't shut up."


"Guess what bitch no one likes you and i cant wait till you die which is soon."

"How do you know."

"Your aromas fading."

"What every one has an aroma and when it fades it means your times coming, and when there's none it means your times up and your going to die any second."

 Aliyah stormed off.

 I left too not wanting to face my friends.

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