My Ghostly Encounters chapter 12

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The girl was back nervously she made her way to me, her big eyes nervous with every step. She was waiting for something to pop out and hit her. the feeling of tense filled the air. 

"My name is Addison, i was killed this night, my attacker is still alive and i want him gone put away or killed. he killed 405 more girls most of them prostitutes, wee want revenge please help Candice, your our only hope."

"How do you know my name?"

"Your aunt, grandpa, and Maci helped us find someone who could help us."

"Okay ill help but i need evidence anything that will prove that he was the one that did it and the others too."

"Go under the bridge, there you will see my body, i scratch him so DNA is there and I made sure a pic of him and i are there. his name is Tom he lives at 1225 Knee High Dr. thank you so much Candice your helpfulness will be rewarded in the next life." 

I made it passed the street when it hit me,aunt Marie was right.

Under the bridge looking for the body, its right over here to the left. the answer just slipped into my head i looked there she was Addison not looking so dead happy her skin was not so deadish, eyes big brown and alive, hair free shiny and wavy, she looked like an angel.

I walked over to where she was," Start digging here, oh shit hes coming hide."

Someone stated walking in my direction, i hide by the darkness on the shadows, he was about 45 years old, but looked 17, he had Justin Bieber hair with white strands, a red button up, skinny black jeans.

"Im sorry Addison, but you tried to leave, i would of kept you alive and we would be happy together, but you ran."

"Liar he killed me after he raped me and told me there was no future of us together of us''


"When he killed me i was pregnant with a little boy."

"I'm sorry."

"Its alright, but the thing you can do is catch him for us for he will be dammed in hell."

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