chapter 40: party

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We got back to Luke's house the next morning after spending the night at Calum's.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" I ask Luke as I'm getting dressed after taking a shower.

"I don't know, Calum told me that his sisters friend was having a party tonight. I haven't been to a party in awhile it sounds kinda fun," he suggests.

"Well I'm gonna need to borrow some of your clothes because I don't have any clean,"

"Well I'm sure you won't fit in my jeans..."

"Can you drive me to Calum's? I'm gonna ask Sara,"

"Okay, we'll go over about an hour before the party and just go with them,"

"Wait, Sara's going?"

"It sounded like it. Why?"

"She's pregnant, dumb fuck,"

"Maybe she won't drink then,"

"She wouldn't go if she couldn't, you have to talk to Calum, Luke!"

"Okay, relax we can handle this later," Luke places his hands on my shoulders.

"What time is this little party?" I ask.

"It starts at nine,"

"Can we take a nap? I'm exhausted,"

"You can, I'm not tired at all,"

"Can you at least lay down with me?"

"Sure," he follows me to his bed and we both lay down.

I lay my head on his stomach and wrap my arms around his waist while he sits up and watches the television.


I wake up around six and Luke eventually fell asleep with me. He is still asleep, so I just stay where I am until we actually have to get up and leave.

Once it's around seven thirty I wake him up and we go to his car that he can barely drive.

"Do you have a better way of getting over to Calum's?" Luke asks, putting the car in drive.


"Exactly, now don't distract me or I'm gonna wreck this car,"

I just laugh and roll my eyes before playing with the dial on the radio.

Once I find a good radio station, I sit back and watch the road pass me by. Soon I feel Luke's hand slip through my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Hey, two hands on the road, buddy!"

"We're on an empty road, stop worrying, babe,"

When we pull up to Calum's house, Luke puts the car in park and kisses my cheek before hopping out of the car.

As I'm getting out of the car, Luke huffs as he stops in his tracks before me.

"I was gonna opening the door for you!" He whines.

"Aw," I ruffle his blonde hair. "What a gentlemen."

Luke just barges into Calum's house and walks up to his room to find both him and Sara on his bed.

"Whatchu two up to?"

"Being lazy," Sara answers.

"Are you seriously going to the party?" I ask Sara.


"You can't drink..."

"I know but I'm always up for a good party," she smiles, getting up from the bed.

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