chapter 25: visit

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Luke and I ended up sitting in the waiting room to visit Calum for almost 45 minutes. I'm not sure why it took so long but I was almost ready to leave but I wanted to be there for Luke.

Luke's had a rough time dealing with Calum. I mean they're best friends and of course it makes Luke upset that his friend is having a hard time.

I don't know Calum that well but from what Luke has told me, he seems really cool. I just hope he's doing okay.

They finally let us in his room which was kind of set up as a hospital room. It had long curtains separating the two rooms and his bed had a monitor right next to it. There was a couch by the huge windows and a tv across from the bed.

Luke ran up to Calum when we walked in, hugging him as if he hasn't seen him years. But I guess that is how it feels when you haven't seen your best friend in weeks.

I wish Sara would come back so I could see her again and hug her like Luke hugged Calum. I wonder how She's doing. I miss her.

I sit down on the couch and Luke soon follows my lead.

"How have you been?" Luke asks Calum, putting his arm around the back of the couch and running his fingers lightly on my shoulder.

"I'm gettin' there," he nods his head, moving around in his bed, trying to get comfortable.

"How's school? Tell me all about the outside world,"

I scoff, shaking my head at his comment, "This school isn't the outside world. It's like we're in a dome."

It goes on like that until the sun starts to set and we don't have any other things to talk about.

We say our goodbyes before leaving the building and walking back to Luke's dorm.

When we walk in, I turn around to face Luke, wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly.

"I love you." I whisper into his chest.


your comments on my authors note on the last chapter made me so happy omg i love you all so much

i feel better about the story, i have you guys and i got some inspiration

sorry for the all short chapters recently, they'll probably go back to long chapters again :)

thank you all so much for your support it really does mean a lot

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