chapter 33: comfort zone

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Today couldn't possibly get any worse. I failed three out of six my exams, I got detention because I 'talked back to a teacher' and I can't seem to find Luke anywhere. I just need the person that makes me the most happy with me right now.

Detention was boring as usual. I sat there and played with a tiny piece of paper, rolling it into a ball between my thumb and index finger.

When I get to my dorm and shower, I immediately put on some comfortable clothes before walking to Luke's dorm.

I probably seem extremely clingy but Luke makes me happy. He's my comfort zone, I just love being around him.

I knock on the door, but Calum answers instead.

"Is Luke here?"

"I haven't seen him all day, I bet he's at the deans office for something ridiculous he did,"

"Can I wait here for him?" I ask.

"Sure! I'm going to hang out with Michael for a bit,"

"See ya," I smile at him as he leaves the dorm, closing the door behind him.


I've been in this room for three hours, listening to Luke's music as I wait and he still hasn't come back.

It's nearly nine and I'm extremely tired from this long, stressful day so I decide to fall asleep, hoping Luke will come back and fall asleep right next to me.

And I was so happy when I woke up because my beautiful boyfriend was right there, sleeping next to me with his arm laying across my stomach as he sleeps soundly. I've never realized how beautiful he really is. His dirty blonde hair, the light stubble that sits perfectly on his chin, his pale yet smooth skin and his buff arms, sprawled out on the bed. The arms that I feel the most safe in. The arms that will make me feel better when they are wrapped tightly around my body.

"Stop staring at me," I hear Luke grumble next to me.

I shake slightly, scared from the sudden noise but before saying anything I smile at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He whines, scooting closer to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining my  fingers with his.

"You're just really pretty," I say against his lips before giving him a peck.

"Back at 'chu hot stuff," Luke says as he smacks my butt.

"Luke!" I squeal.

"C'mon we have class in less than an hour,"

"I don't wanna go!"

"You can't keep skipping class, Sam. We've skipped so many days, we can't do that, but I promise after class we can go on an adventure." He says, pulling his uniform on.

I sigh before getting up and putting my shoes on my feet. Luke walks over to me and pecks my cheek, giving me a reassuring look before sitting next to me.

"I just really hate school, I wanna spend time with you," I whine, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I do too but we could get in tons of trouble if we don't go to class,"

"What happened to my bad boy boyfriend?" I joke.

"Go get ready," he smacks my butt with his shirt as I pass him.

"What's up with you and my butt today?"

"What can I say? Ma lady is beautiful," he blushes.

"You're such a dork," I laugh, shaking my head before leaving his room.


this is so bad omg im sorry

but doab came out and it's so good and the sound is fucking amazing, so much good music recently

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