1. The Uncertain Meet

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The nuance fragrance from the fresh blossoming of lilies spread in the air. This new sapling she had bought recently, smelled slightly different from the older ones. But the sweet scent radiating through the purple-red hued petals, refreshed her soul the same as others. She loved this one too—Twenty-third one from her collection.

Caressing the blossomed flower with her soft gaze, she flexed her neck delicately, to catch the whiff of the sweet scent again. 

This was her. Everything she was trying to do was for herself. To attain a little stability in her life, or to fill it up with some colours and then maybe in some sense, she'd be at peace at least.

That was only what she thought.

As she in her early thirties, craved for anything but emptiness.

She hated being confined to lead this solitary life. She simply hated it as she couldn't understand it. To her, her existence and the grounds of it were more like an unsolved puzzle. A puzzle with no corners, and no reference to the impending picture. She was only left with the pieces she couldn't connect right.

Though surrounded by her family, her mother and being occupied in the day by doing what she loved, the nights she spent were terrifying and lengthy as one could imagine.

These never ending nights always made her feel empty and all alone.

She loathed this feeling of being void and had no idea whatsoever of why she always felt this certain way; so unfamiliar with herself and the happenings of her life.

But was everything that had happened or still happening in her control?

Nazia Shaikh wondered every minute of her life.

One thing she knew for sure was that to settle her bustling mind she needed an oasis of serenity and stillness in her life.

"Naaz, I know it isn't easy, but please try and understand me."

She couldn't just oblige on what she had been asked to do, by her mother, just like that.

"Ammi(mother)..." Taking a long pause to cool off her vexation, she continued,

"I just want you to share everything with me."

"It's what I've always wanted. I've always wanted for you and I to be open on communicating terms, like before." She spoke her heart out trying to reason with her mother.

Nazia Shaikh, the kind of a daughter who would unwillingly agree at her mother's accord. Afterall, her mother was her only family, and hurting her would always fill her with extreme remorse and shame.

But today, she wasn't fully convinced with her mother on leaving the place they've been calling home for more than a year, that too so unexpectedly and without a reason.

Why was it so hard for her mother to understand that she craved stillness and moving places would only scramble the little peace she had gathered, or still in the process of. She couldn't handle her sanity if it got back to square one.

Though Bombay was not her city but her mother's place of birth. They had moved there with her uncle's family after that 'unspeakable' incident. The hustle and bustle of the city was too much for her to take in at first, plus there were not many friends or acquaintances there.

Distanced By Fate, Mended With LOVE..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt